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Symptoms and signs of chemical poisoning
For many chemicals, the route of entry in the food supply can take place in retail markets, home, distribution warehouses, wholesale markets, food-processing plants, transportation systems. Or, the chemical in the food can be naturally available too. Chemical poisoning may also occur because of a food item that is not upto the mark of food standards. Generally, chemical foodborne infection is the result of human error, which could have been avoided. Adequate measures in food preservation can effectively prevent this kind of infection.
Signs of chemical poisoning
The sings and symptoms of every infection and beginning time are different. Some of the common symptoms notices during chemical poisoning include:
Fatigue, unexpected tiredness, dizziness
Chemical poisoning always is not simple to diagnose. This is due to the reason hat the signs and symptoms can be a bit similar to other medicinal situations, particular when the person already has some pre-existing condition. Various other telltale symptoms, which occur because of chemical poisoning in the infected person can be noticed in the clothing. Look out for strange stains and odors in the skin or clothing. When a chemical is swallowed with the food, it might leave an odor in the breath.
Mild chemical poisoning symptoms and signs
Mild chemical poisoning takes place when the body is extremely exposed to small quantity of chemicals present in the food and do not have any form of severe repercussions. Body aches and pains, including soreness, eye irritation and headaches are quite common. The infected person might feel weak and dizzy as well. Alterations in bodily functions might be indicative of not so serious chemical poisoning. Loss of desire for food, diarrhea and excessive thirst are some other symptoms that the infected person may notice.
Moderate poisoning symptoms and signs
Moderate chemical poisoning has much severe symptoms and signs, which are more visible as compared to the mild cases of chemical infection. Few symptoms include serious nausea that can occur in waves. Stomach cramping and diarrhea are indicative too, which an individual has ingested chemicals. The body also will try to deter the substances via excessive production of perspiration and saliva. Physically, skin may have an orange or yellow hue. As well, the pulse rate might increase.
Severe poisoning symptoms and signs
Sever chemical poisoning is one of the most dangerous infections and world need instant medical attention. Usually, it occurs from the prolonged exposure to food chemicals, although it may also take place when the food chemical is specifically toxic. In severe chemical poisoning, the body muscles might twitch uncontrollably. Additionally, the eyes pupil might start dilating and even the rate of breathing might increase. Ultimately, loss of awareness is general in the severe chemical poisoning.
Chemical poisoning- reasons and first aid for it
Chemical poisoning can occur due to a lot of reasons. Chemicals can be harmful to quite a few of your body parts; be it your eyes or your skin. Take a look at how different chemicals can affect you and how you can give first aid to anyone who suffers chemical poisoning.
Chemicals or poisons in eyes-The membranes of your eyes absorb the chemicals fast and can damage your eyes in a matter of minutes. When some chemical gets into your eye or someone elses eyes, the first thing that you need to do is to wash the eyes with lukewarm water. You can do it with the help of a glass kept at a distance of 2 to 3 inches from the eye. Do this for fifteen minutes and ask the person to blink the eyes as much as possible. Rubbing the eyes will only make the situation worse.
If your skin comes in contact with any type of poison, it is important to get rid of them as soon as possible. Remove the clothing and wash the area with water. Continue doing it for ten minutes. You can also use a soap to rinse the place. Destroy the clothing as it may affect your skin again.
If the chemical has burnt your skin, wash it with water and cover the area with a soft cotton cloth. Do not apply any ointments or grease till the time your doctor asks you to do so.
Some poisons can also be inhaled and they can pose serious threats to your vital organs like lungs and other tissues. When something of this sort happens to you or to someone else, make sure that you get a dose of fresh air as soon as possible. It is possible that it becomes difficult for the person to breathe. In such a scenario, you can give artificial respiration. Take off the clothes of the affected person and call someone for help. Continue giving him artificial breaths till the time he starts breathing on his own. If you are in an enclosed environment, open the doors and windows so that no one else gets affected by the fumes.
In some cases, poisons or food chemicals are swallowed. In such cases, remove all the poison from the victims mouth. If there are some cuts or swelling in the mouth, clean it with a cloth. If the person has not lost consciousness and can swallow, it will be good if you give him half a glass of water.
In all such cases, you can induce vomiting. This can be done with the help of Ipecac syrup. Make sure you do not use it without consulting your physician. This is one of the best ways to induce vomit and get the person rid of all the poison.
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