Magic Success Secrets
Written by Charles Moorehead
This ebook contains a collection of magic success secrets that can help ordinary people achieve great things in life. These achievements may include taking charge of your life, increasing your personal power, choosing meaningful goals, overcoming barriers to action, and getting the tough jobs done.
This material is derived from my breakthrough revelations about the true nature of life and reality, insights from training and using my subconscious mind, my personal experiences in life, and related common knowledge.
As noted in the above title, this ebook is also about magic. The magic is derived from my above revelations and insights. Some of this magic was used to create the success secrets themselves. The rest of the magic was used in providing ways to put these success secrets to everyday use.
The following chapters in this ebook provide a program to guide your personal development and your use of these insights and success secrets. I believe this program can help you in many ways. Perhaps you will even achieve the kind of life you have always wanted.
Putting these success secrets to use – After you have begun increasing your personal powers, you probably want to try improving your life. You can use my website that shows many ways to have more money. It has information on low-cost, low-risk business ideas, ways to earn extra money, ways to reduce your living expenses, and a systematic plan for starting your own small business.
You can access this free website at
You must be willing to accept full responsibility for your own success or failure in using this program. See the important notices on the Disclaimer
Copyright © 2011 by Charles Moorehead. All rights reserved worldwide.
Table of Contents
Preface: How to Use This Ebook
Introduction: Overview of the Program
Part 1: Knowing What to Do
Chapter 1: Rules for Living
Chapter 2: Take Charge of Your Life
Chapter 3: Discover Your True Desires
Chapter 4: Set Meaningful Goals
Chapter 5: Make Logical Decisions
Part 2: Overcoming Any Barriers to Action
Chapter 6: Train Your Subconscious Mind
Chapter 7: Develop Empowering Beliefs
Chapter 8: Summon Bursts of Energy
Chapter 9: Conquer Irrational Fear Chapter
10: Learn New Skills
Chapter 11: Overcome Common Obstacles
Chapter 12: Bootstrap Methods
Part 3: Taking Decisive Action
Chapter 13: Prepare a Work Plan
Chapter 14: Example of a Simple Work Plan
Chapter 15: Apply Action Triggers
Chapter 16: Use Time Saving Tips
Chapter 17: Monitor Your Results
Part 4: Correcting Any Problems
Chapter 18: Resolve Any Problems
Chapter 19: Find Possible Source of Problem
Part 5: Reviewing the Final Results
Chapter 17: Monitor Your Results*
Chapter 20: Review Your Use of the Program
Appendix A: About the Author
Appendix B: Magical Revelations
Appendix C: Living the Revelations
Appendix D: Questions About the Revelations
Appendix E: Glossary
Appendix F: Disclaimer
*Use the “Checking final results at completion” topic.
Preface: How to Use This Ebook
This ebook is focused on a self-empowerment program (consisting of 20
chapters) meant to help you to a better life. The other subjects in this ebook provide supporting information about the program and this ebook.
This subject should help you use this ebook as efficiently as possible. For example, the navigating topic shows various ways to get around in this ebook.
Since this ebook has a great deal of material, you might want a quick introduction
to the basis and scope of that material. Then you might want a review of the
chapters in the program. Finally, you might want to see the various ways this
program can improve your life.
Navigating this ebook
There are various links scattered throughout this ebook that let you jump to the indicated subject, topic, subtopic, definition, or outside website. The links in the
Table of Contents take you to the first page of all the subjects in this ebook. The
end of each subject has links to the top of the subject and the Table of Contents.
In addition to the various links, you can use the arrows in the PDF reader command bar to jump to the next page or the previous page. You also can display thumbnails of the pages in this ebook and click on a thumbnail to jump to that page.
Getting a quick introduction
You can get a quick introduction to this ebook by reviewing its basis and scope, as shown in the following subjects:
Appendix A: About the Author
Appendix B: Magical Revelations
Appendix C: Living the Revelations
Appendix D: Questions About the Revelations
Appendix E: Glossary
Appendix F: Disclaimer
Review of chapters in the program
This program of personal empowerment is contained in the 20 chapters of this ebook. You can choose what individual chapters to read, or you can start with the first chapter and continue on to the last chapter. The following subject gives a brief overview of all chapters in the program:
Introduction: Overview of the Program
Using the program to improve your life
You may have read or heard some “success guru” recount all the attitudes, habits, and traits of successful people. However, then what? How can a normal person develop these same attitudes, habits, and traits? That, my friends, is the problem.
I have solved that problem. My methods and insights allow anyone to develop the beliefs that underlie and support the attitudes, habits, and traits of high-powered people.
Also, I have structured the program to perform some type of task or goal. Every chapter of this program helps you develop those desirable attitudes, habits, and traits.
However, you must be willing to do the work required to achieve this result.
When using this program, I recommend that you start with tasks or goals that are easy to accomplish. Then as your abilities and self-confidence increase, you can try for higher achievements.
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Table of Contents
Introduction: Overview of the Program
This program can help improve your life by increasing your personal power. It consists of five parts. These are the stages you would go through to get a tough job done. Each stage is described in the chapters that make up one of the five parts.
Some of the techniques described in the chapters are very special, others are related common knowledge. You can study the entire program, or just pick out the parts, chapters, or topics that interest you.
Part 1: Knowing What to Do
There’s an old saying, “If you don’t know where you want to go, you’ll probably end up somewhere else.” So to start on your journey to success, first decide where you want to go.
You can decide to start a small business, improve your performance at work, take charge of your life, or just get a tough job done. It’s all up to you, my friend.
Maybe you have some reservations about the program. You might not believe that such large improvements are possible. That’s okay. You may decide just to
“nibble” at some of the success secrets. Later, you can decide to take bigger bites.
(My, how delicious!)
So, look over the following ways to discover where you want to go. As a minimum, I recommend the chapter on how to Set Meaningful Goals.
Chapter 1: Rules for Living – Here are seven powerful rules to help you find
fulfillment and happiness in life.
Chapter 2: Take Charge of Your Life – This is one of the keys to getting what
you want out of life. (This is a crucial decision to make. You may want to increase your abilities and self-confidence first. Then you can come back to this chapter later.)
Chapter 3: Discover Your True Desires – Many people get the most enjoyment
from life by focusing on their true desires and natural talents. If you are employed, you may be able to include some of your desires and talents in your work. If you want to start your own business, you could choose an idea based on your desires and talents.
Chapter 4: Set Meaningful Goals – Meaningful goals are those that are both
desirable and achievable. Goals give direction to your life. They can take you from where you are to where you want to be. This chapter also provides many special methods to insure that you actually accomplish your goals.
Chapter 5: Make Logical Decisions – Being able to make logical decisions is
the last step in the “knowing what to do” phase. You will need good decision-making skills for all of the following success secrets. (Of course, you may be satisfied with your present decision-making skills.)
Part 2: Overcoming Any Barriers to Action
These barriers to action can keep people from trying to improve their life. For example, you may want to try starting your own business, but something is holding you back. Maybe it’s a belief buried in your subconscious mind. The belief might be, “Keep in your own place. Don’t try to be something better.” If this is your problem, these success secrets can help you overcome these barriers.
Chapter 6: Train Your Subconscious Mind – Your subconscious mind has
enormous power that you can use to overcome many of the barriers to improving your life. Once you learn how to train your subconscious, it can become your best friend. It can help you solve problems and increase your personal empowerment.
Chapter 7: Develop Empowering Beliefs – Empowering beliefs can help you
overcome obstacles and achieve your desired goals. If your current progress in life does not satisfy you, the problem may be outdated or limiting beliefs. This chapter shows how to use empowering beliefs to overcome any outdated or limiting beliefs you may have.
Chapter 8: Summon Bursts of Energy – One of the barriers to achieving your
goals in life is the lack of a strong driving force. Being able to summon bursts of energy on demand lets you overcome this problem.
Chapter 9: Conquer Irrational Fear – Irrational fear is fear that is excessive or
unreasoning. This excessive fear tends to paralyze you and keep you from taking action on your important goals. This excessive fear results from beliefs held within your subconscious mind. However, you can develop new beliefs that give you the ability to control excessive fear.
Chapter 10: Learn New Skills – The ability to learn new skills may be
especially useful if you have lost your job, want to exploit an emerging opportunity, or just need to earn some money in a sideline activity.
Chapter 11: Overcome Common Obstacles – This chapter provides a group of methods that you can use to help overcome typical obstacles.
Chapter 12: Bootstrap Methods – One of the biggest obstacles to completing an
expensive project is a lack of available cash. These bootstrap methods include various ideas for reducing the amount of cash needed. (These methods are mainly concerned with starting and running a small business. However, these ideas may help you in other areas.)
Part 3: Taking Decisive Action
These chapters help you take decisive action to accomplish your current goal or task. By decisive action, I mean action that is effective. Action that gets the desired results.
For starters, I recommend that you complete any planning required. Then you can use various techniques to start taking action, use time saving tips, and check on the results you are having.
Chapter 13: Prepare a Work Plan – This is a written summary of the
requirements, advance preparations, main task activities, and final activities for a task. It can be either a one-page summary or a detailed plan that explains all required action steps. It helps you to complete a project as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Chapter 14: Example of a Simple Work Plan – This example shows how the
work plan for a simple task might appear.
Note: After any needed work plan has been prepared, the following chapters will help you implement the goal or task at hand.
Chapter 15: Apply Action Triggers – Sometimes, you just don’t feel like taking
on a tough job. By using an action trigger, you can overcome this temporary problem. After learning how to use an action trigger, you will be better able to take action whenever needed.
Chapter 16: Use Time Saving Tips – One of the most persistent obstacles to
personal achievement is that old bugaboo, “I never have enough time.” These tips show how to use your time more effectively.
Chapter 17: Monitor Your Results – There is no point in doing a task if it
doesn’t provide the desired results. This applies especially to important or difficult tasks. This chapter provides an overall system for monitoring your progress.
Part 4: Correcting Any Problems
Note: I define an error as something that you can recognize right away and probably know how to fix. I define a problem as something that you may not recognize right away and may not know how to fix. This part of the program is about correcting problems.
Whenever you take on a new or difficult task, you might run into problems.
However, solving problems gives you useful experience and self-confidence.
When people want a tough job done, they want someone with useful experience.
They want someone who has faced up to problems and solved them.
The following two chapters are especially helpful when you are pursuing an important goal, going into new activities, or learning new skills. These success secrets will give you the final push to getting the tough jobs done.
Chapter 18: Resolve Any Problems – This chapter provides a sequence of steps
that can help you solve many types of problems.
Chapter 19: Find Possible Source of Problem – There is nothing more
frustrating than having a problem that halts your progress on an important task or goal. This chapter provides several methods for locating the source of various types of problems.
Part 5: Reviewing the Final Results
This is the final phase of my program. After you have completed your goal or task, you need to see if you have gotten the desired results. You also may want to review your use of my magic success secrets.
Chapter 17: Monitor Your Results* – This is the same chapter that was shown
within an earlier part of the program. However, at this stage, what matters is checking on results after completing the task, and correcting any remaining errors.
*Use the “Checking final results at completion” topic.
Chapter 20: Review Your Use of the Program – This chapter shows how to
improve your use of these success secrets.
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Rules for Living
This chapter contains my thoughts on how to achieve fulfillment and happiness in life. You may not agree with me, since each person may see life differently.
These rules are mainly for people who don’t enjoy life or who would like some ideas on how to get more results out of life.
Some of these rules require a certain amount of personal empowerment. Those rules will reference appropriate chapters in this ebook.
The following topics describe my seven rules for living the good life. In addition, by following these guidelines, you will naturally develop those attitudes, habits, and traits associated with successful people.
Here are the topics:
Rule 1: Take charge of your life
Rule 2: Focus on your true desires and natural talents
Rule 3: Seek out and exploit suitable opportunities
Rule 4: Learn and follow the rules of the game
Rule 5: Influence people to help you
Rule 6: Get the tough jobs done
Rule 7: Enjoy life every day
Final thoughts
This material is based on my breakthrough revelations, insights from my subconscious mind, my personal experiences, and related common knowledge.
The first rule is a simplified statement of my revelations. The remaining rules comprise various ways to achieve this first rule. That is, to live the good life.
Rule 1: Take charge of your life
This rule means to decide what you want from life and then do whatever is needed to achieve it. In other words, you select meaningful goals for your life, prepare appropriate action plans, and then start taking action to achieve these goals.
Choosing your own destiny is the key to having success in life. You are the only one who knows what success means to you. Moreover, you are the only one who can achieve this success. You also will be better able to survive any hardships and exploit any opportunities that come your way.
This rule puts you in control, rather than allowing others or “fate” decide what happens to you.
Some people may feel they have no control over their lives. This is probably due to their limiting beliefs.
How did things get this way? Well, it is common for children (and even adults) to hear some of the following warnings repeatedly:
“Don’t rock the boat.”
“Don’t take chances.”
“Don’t try to be something that you’re not.”
“Be careful, it’s a dangerous world out there.”
Although these warnings are meant to protect you from possible dangers and disappointments in life, they often keep you from achieving your full potentials.
Often these warnings become part of your belief system. The problem is that these beliefs have been buried within your subconscious mind. So you can’t examine them and determine if they are still valid. However, by taking charge of your life, you can gradually develop a more appropriate belief system.
Deciding to take charge of your life can be a difficult step to take. After all, you may have to overcome the doubts resulting from years of warnings. The Take
Charge of Your Life chapter can help you put this rule into action.
Rule 2: Focus on your true desires and natural talents
This rule means to emphasize those activities or goals that will satisfy your true desires and use your natural talents. You may not want to focus entirely on your desires and talents, at least at first. However, the more you can use them the more you are apt to find fulfillment and happiness in life.
It takes ambition and energy to strive for success in life. Anything that can help you in this endeavor will increase your chances for success. It is exciting and rewarding to satisfy your desires and use your talents. These feelings and rewards will help keep you going against adversity.
It may take some effort to determine your true desires and natural talents. Most people have been subjected to many outside influences during their early life.
Thus, it can be difficult to separate your own desires and talents from those imposed on you by other people.
Another problem is that you may feel trapped in your present circumstances. One way to solve this problem is to gradually shift or expand your present activities to use more of your true desires and/or natural talents. You might not be able to focus exclusively on these aspects. However, any change in this direction should improve your life.
In applying this rule, you first need to determine your true desires and natural talents if you don’t already know them. Then you need to use this information when setting goals or deciding on future activities.
Discovery methods – The Discover Your True Desires chapter will help you determine your true desires and natural talents.
Setting goals – Now you can put the above discoveries into use. The Set
Meaningful Goals chapter can advise you how to proceed.
Rule 3: Seek out and exploit suitable opportunities
This rule means to watch for opportunities that might improve your life.
Normally you would be most interested in those opportunities that fit your goals in life, satisfy your needs and desires, or use your talents and abilities.
Did you know that many new industries were developed during depressions and other times of change? You see, when old methods are abandoned they usually are replaced by new methods. People always have needs and desires. However, sometimes the methods used to supply these needs and desires have to adapt to new circumstances. The people who devise these new methods then have a window of opportunity to become leaders in the new economy.
I believe we are nearing a period of rapid changes. The opportunities that open up can help you build a new lifestyle, seek advancements in your employment, or provide ideas for your own home-based business.
When change happens, most people become apprehensive and don’t know what to do about it. Therefore, they don’t do anything.
The natural reaction of your belief system is to ignore or resist change. This is because your beliefs are locked up in your subconscious mind and do not automatically adapt to new circumstances. The overriding purpose of your belief system is self-preservation. For this reason, it tends to exaggerate potential risks.
It is more concerned with keeping you alive than with helping you achieve a useful and fulfilling life.
Change entails both opportunities and risks. However, if you are able to analyze risks, solve problems, and get things done, then you may benefit by exploiting those opportunities that suit you.
Once a month take some time to look around for potential opportunities. When you find a possibility, spend some time to investigate it further. However, don’t waste time with ideas that don’t suit you or excite you. The general approach is to spend only as much time as needed to either discard the idea or investigate it further. The result is that only a minimum amount of time is spent on unsuitable ideas and a larger amount of time is spent only on the most suitable ideas.
Choosing an opportunity – At some point you have to decide whether an opportunity should be exploited. You need to compare the pros and cons of this opportunity and decide whether it is worth pursuing. The Make Logical Decisions
chapter should help you choose an appropriate opportunity.
Using a work plan – When you are ready to exploit an opportunity, you probably need to prepare a work plan. The plan should describe the opportunity, show how it will benefit you (the desired results), show what resources and information will be needed, and summarize the various actions needed to implement the plan. The
Prepare a Work Plan chapter should help you in this endeavor.
Rule 4: Learn and follow the rules of the game
This means that when entering a new game you should learn and follow the rules for that game. By game, I mean any group, endeavor, or activity with rules that are expected or required to be followed.
Here are some of the benefits to learning and following the rules of the game: Allows you to “fit in” and become a member of the group
Allows your opinions to get a fair hearing by the group
Helps keep you out of trouble
Increases your chances for success in the endeavor or activity Permits you to try for leadership in the group
Rules are developed over time by people, organizations, and governments. These groups expect their rules to be followed. Governments insist on this.
Most people are aware of the rules pertaining to their current circumstances.
However, this awareness may not be at the conscious level. People learn to follow rules as they are punished or criticized for intentionally (or unintentionally) disobeying them. Following the rules for your current situation just may be an unconscious habit.
Problems may arise when people enter a new group, endeavor, or activity. They may mistakenly believe that their old way of doing things still applies. They may not realize that they need to learn new rules.
The first step is to learn the rules that apply to the new group, endeavor, or activity. The next step is to put these rules into practice.
Learning the rules – There is a tried and true method for learning new rules.
You simply follow a famous dictum of ancient times:
“When in Rome do as the Romans do.”
Thus, you want to observe or discover how other people in the group, endeavor, or activity behave. Moreover, you should be aware that different rules might apply to different people. Leaders may have one set of rules and ordinary members may have another set. Besides seeing what happens, you also may want to ask discreet questions. However, you don’t want to be bothersome or cause trouble. You just want to fit in and act like everyone else.
If there are written rules for a group, endeavor, or activity then get a copy, if possible. You may have to create your own list of rules by talking to some knowledgeable person or by reading some reference materials.
Following the rules – After learning the rules you should put them into practice.
You may have to change some of your usual ways of doing things. You may have to learn new attitudes and traits, and develop new habits.
Are all these changes worthwhile? That is something to consider when deciding whether to enter a new game.
Obeying the rules is especially important if you are starting a business venture.
Most governments impose rules and regulations on business firms. Governments also like to impose various taxes on business activities, revenues, or profits. You also may have to complete registration forms, pay fees, and obtain licenses to start or operate a business. You also should know how to run your business.
Ignoring the rules – There may be some occasions when you want to ignore the customary rules. However, you should be well aware of the rules and the possible drawbacks to ignoring them.
Rule 5: Influence people to help you
This rule means to influence people to help you attain your goals in life. The idea is not to mislead people. Rather it is to create mutually advantageous relationships with those people who can benefit you. The idea is to create circumstances in which people help you by helping themselves.
You can multiply your own efforts by enlisting the help of other people. This is especially useful if you are working on a big project or running a business.
Sometimes when you’re striving to achieve a goal you tend to think only of yourself. However, this strategy may only work for smaller projects. For bigger projects, it usually is advisable to get help from other people. In this way, you can leverage your limited amount of effort, resources, and time.
Therefore, you have to understand the needs and desires of these other people.
You also need to understand how to motivate them. They usually will be glad to help you (wittingly or unwittingly) if they can help themselves in the process.
There are various types of people who can help you achieve your goals. They may be your employer or supervisors. They could be people or organizations with money to lend. They may be knowledgeable people who can provide useful advice or information. They could be the customers for your business. They might work for you, as either employees or independent contractors.
Getting help from others – Regardless of how other people can help you, you first need to help them. You need to find ways for these people to satisfy their own needs and desires by helping you or buying from you. Then you need to inform these people of the possible benefits to them and persuade them to take the desired action.
An example of getting an employer or supervisor to help you (by giving you a promotion or pay raise) would be to find out where that person or the organization needs help. Then you could become qualified in those areas and show them what you can do.
An example of getting customers to help you (by buying from you) would be to find out which of their needs and desires are going unmet. Then you could provide whatever would fulfill those needs or desires.
An example of getting useful information from someone (to help you on a project) would be to ask for their advice (but not much of their time) and show sincere appreciation when they provide it.
Using a work plan – Let’s say you need something that can be provided by other people. You may want to write a simple work plan to get their help. The plan should show what you need from these people (the desired results), their needs and desires, how you will provide some of these needs and desires, how you will communicate with them and motivate them to help you, and the various actions needed to implement the plan.
The Prepare a Work Plan chapter should help you in this endeavor.
Reference materials – Dale Carnegie is a master at understanding and motivating people. He has written books that should be available in public libraries.
Following are two of his classic books:
How to Win Friends and Influence People
How to Develop Self-Confidence and Influence People by Public Speaking
Rule 6: Get the tough jobs done
This rule means to do whatever is needed to get the tough jobs done. Anyone can get a simple job done. However, it takes a person with special abilities to get the tough jobs done. The methods under the Procedures subtopic below show you how to develop these abilities.
When you are able to get the tough jobs done then, as they say, “The world is your oyster.”
Various obstacles can keep you from achieving your goals or getting the tough jobs done. However, these obstacles usually can be overcome if you face them and learn the methods needed to overcome them.
Fortunately, this ebook shows you how to overcome these common obstacles. So count your blessings—the Promised Land lies at your doorstep. (Gosh, if only someone had given me these insights when I was still a young pup.) Procedures
This is probably one of the toughest rules to apply. Of course, it is also one of the most powerful rules. Have no fear, you are reading an ebook that has the insights and methods you need to get started on the road to achievement.
The procedures consist of the five main parts of this Magic Success Secrets program, as listed below:
Part 1: Knowing What to Do
Part 2: Overcoming Any Barriers to Action
Part 3: Taking Decisive Action
Part 4: Correcting Any Problems
Part 5: Reviewing the Final Results
Rule 7: Enjoy life every day
This rule means to enjoy life every day regardless of any problems, failures, or disappointments you may experience. This requires an attitude that life is too precious to waste on pointless regrets or worries. It also requires that you enjoy whatever you have even though you are hoping or striving for something better.
Some people wait until they have achieved some great victory before they can enjoy life. Other people may not seek to enjoy life until they have built a fortune, or retired. But why should they wait? Every day is precious. Moreover, once that day is over, it is gone forever. So why not enjoy life whenever you can?
As you go through life, you develop various habits. These habits are automatic ways of dealing with various situations in life. Once you have decided how to deal with a particular situation, you are likely to keep repeating this decision until it becomes a habit. From this point forward, whenever the same situation comes up your established habit deals with it.
Here is the problem. You may have decided that your life is an unhappy experience. Maybe you don’t know how to deal with everyday problems. Maybe you are waiting for some great event to happen before you can enjoy yourself.
Maybe you don’t believe you are entitled to enjoy yourself. Whatever the reason, you may not enjoy life as much as you could.
Here is the solution. You need to develop a habit of enjoying life every day.
Moreover, you need to develop a way of dealing with everyday problems. Habits can be changed. You just need to decide to replace unproductive habits with productive habits. You can change how you react to problems in life. By golly, you even can decide to be happy every day.
Enjoying life is a decision that you make. If you repeat this same decision every day, it will become a habit.
This doesn’t mean that you are going to ignore your problems. You should always confront your problems. However, don’t spoil your enjoyment of life by worrying about your problems needlessly.
The following methods should help you deal with your problems while still enjoying life.
Resolving your problems – You probably won’t be able to solve your problems each day, but you can resolve them (put them to rest for a while) as follows.
First, let yourself experience any negative feelings you may have. You’re a human being with feelings—so let them out. This shouldn’t take more than an hour or so. It normally shouldn’t go on for days or weeks at a time.
Next, decide how to deal with any problems facing you. This means to decide on a strategy that you can implement in the future. The Resolve Any Problems
chapter should help you.
Finally, put your worries to rest. You have decided how to deal with your problems. Therefore, it serves no purpose to keep worrying about them.
Deciding to enjoy life – Now that you have dealt with your problems, you are free to enjoy life. This is a decision that you make each day. By deciding to be happy, you will be creating a new habit. Eventually it will be second nature for you to enjoy life every day.
Reference materials – Dale Carnegie is a master at helping people improve their lives. Following are two of his classic books that can help you enjoy life: How to Enjoy Your Life and Your Job
How to Stop Worrying and Start Living
Final Thoughts
Like most things that lead to success in life, you will have to exert some effort and may have to change some attitudes, habits, and traits to follow these rules.
Will the rewards be worth it? That is for you to decide, my friend.
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Table of Contents
Chapter 2: Take Charge of Your Life
By taking charge of your life, you get to control your destiny. Taking charge of your life means deciding what you really want and taking decisive action to achieve it. It means that you won’t let artificial barriers block your progress. In addition, it requires that you take responsibility for your own success and failure.
Note: This is a crucial decision to make. So you may want to increase your abilities and self-confidence first. Then you can come back to this chapter later.
The following topics guide you through the process of taking charge of your life.
I have included methods to help you. Thus, you can overcome any doubts you have about making a change in your life, maintain your responsibilities to others, and take action to make the changes.
Here are the topics:
Introduction to procedures
Deciding to seek a better life
Expanding your possibilities
Using goals to plan your future
Committing yourself to action
Taking responsibility for results
Reviewing your life and achievements
Final thoughts
This material is based on my breakthrough revelations, insights from my subconscious mind, my personal experiences, and related common knowledge.
Can you actually make the changes needed to take charge of your life? Well, this lazy person was able to make these changes. This ebook is one of the results of taking charge of my own life.
Deciding to take charge of your future can be a difficult matter. Many people feel trapped in their present circumstances. However, these success secrets demonstrate that this need not be true.
Rather than being trapped by their circumstances, people actually are being trapped by their belief systems.
While it may not seem possible to change your circumstances, it is always possible to change your belief systems. (Then your circumstances will tend to change to reflect these new beliefs.)
One of my revelations about the nature of reality is that your belief system influences and limits what you can become in life. If you don’t believe something is possible, then you probably won’t waste your time trying to do it.
Your belief system is necessary to guide you through life. You don’t want to discard it, for then you would be helpless. Instead, you need to enhance it.
Ideally, your belief system should protect you, but at the same time allow you to grow. You grow by trying new things, making mistakes, and solving problems.
The various chapters in this Magic Success Secrets ebook will help increase your abilities and thereby enhance your belief system. Then you’ll be able to try things that previously seemed out of reach. Each new achievement will provide the basis for future achievements. Enhancing your belief system is a gradual process.
However, it can lead to a high level of personal empowerment.
Introduction to procedures
The first procedure below should help you decide whether to try improving your life. The remaining procedures should help you put this decision into action.
Keep in mind that the choices you make about your life are entirely up to you.
The first time through, you should use the procedures in sequence. Thereafter you may want to repeat one or more procedures. Use each of them as often as needed.
The more often you study and apply these magic success secrets, the more powerful you will become.
Deciding to seek a better life
This could be one of the most important decisions of your life. It is the first step in putting these success secrets into practice.
You may have to overcome some artificial barriers before you feel free to make this choice. Following are some common barriers, along with reasons why they should not stop you from seeking a better life.
You may feel trapped and unable to do anything to improve your life.
Don’t try to make major changes overnight. Start by making small improvements and by increasing your personal power.
Then as you develop experience and self-confidence, you’ll be able to make additional improvements.
You may consider yourself unworthy of having a happy life.
Okay, so you’re unworthy. However, many people could use
your help. So stop feeling sorry for yourself and start helping them. (Of course, this will require that you take charge of your own life.).
You may feel that obligations to family or other people should take precedence over your own happiness.
You don’t need to forsake your obligations. In fact, you’ll be better able to satisfy these obligations by increasing your capabilities and gaining more control over your own life.
I hope that you now can decide about your future without being hindered by any artificial barriers. The choice is entirely up to you. Naturally, I hope you will opt for a better life.
Expanding your possibilities
In this step, I want you to put aside for the moment all those doubts that have kept you from reaching for your dreams. No, I’m not going to say that you can do whatever you want in life. That just isn’t so. It may take a lot of work to improve your life, and you may not want to make the effort or take the risk.
Therefore, at first just try for small improvements in your life. After each effort, you can decide what to do next.
In other words, try expanding your possibilities slowly, based on actual results.
After each success, you can expand your possibilities a little more. At some point, you should be able to sweep aside all previous limitations. Then you can decide what is possible, based on your past successes and your current capabilities.
The idea is to use these success secrets to overcome any apparent limitations and reveal your natural talents. This will both expand your possibilities and keep you out of trouble. Better to try for what you can actually achieve that to try for the impossible or the unlikely. Better to try for something than not to try at all.
Using goals to plan your future
Taking charge of your future requires that you know what you want from life.
You can use some of my methods to Discover Your True Desires. (Many people enjoy life the fullest when satisfying their true desires and using their natural talents.) Then you can use a series of goals to plan and achieve whatever you want from life.
First, you need to develop a habit of success. Start with easy goals, tasks you know you can do. As your capabilities increase, you can try for goals that are more difficult.
Some of your early goals should be to increase your capabilities. Then it will be easier to try for the more difficult goals.
After you have developed a habit of success and increased your capabilities, you are ready to change your life. You need to decide on a destination and then choose goals that will take you there. Each new goal should build on the successes of the previous goals. You can repeat this process to take you to whatever destination you choose (within the limits of your abilities, efforts, and resources).
In this way, you can turn your dreams into reality. This assumes that you are willing and able to do whatever it takes to realize your dreams. However, keep in mind there are no guarantees in life. There are only opportunities.
Committing yourself to action
After you have decided on a meaningful goal, you need to take action to achieve it. You need to commit yourself to taking action. However, you may need reassurance that you can overcome any barriers that may have blocked your progress in the past.
You can review the Overcome Common Obstacles chapter to gain this reassurance.
Now you are ready to take action to achieve your goal. One way to help ensure that you will pursue your goal, no matter what, is to commit yourself to action.
This commitment is a solemn promise to you. The promise is that you will do something every day to work toward your current goal.
Here’s how to do it. Get a piece of paper and write your current goal at the top.
Below this goal, write the following statement:
“I’m committing myself to achieving this goal. I’m going to do something to work toward this goal every day. If nothing else, I’ll recap my recent steps and decide what to do next.
“This is a solemn promise I’m making to myself.”
At the bottom of the paper put the current date and sign your name. Keep this paper with you and read it aloud at least three times a day. Okay, now you’re committed!
Taking responsibility for results
When something goes wrong in your life the obvious question is, “Who is to blame?” Sometimes you want to say, “Not me.” However, if someone or something else is to blame then things are out of your control. You can’t fix your problems unless you accept responsibility for them.
If you have this dilemma, let’s see if we can fix it. The main reason for wanting to avoid responsibility is a feeling of helplessness. This in turn results from a weak belief system. So now, we’re back to the old bugaboo, a belief system that doesn’t help you succeed in life. The obvious solution is to enhance your belief system.
The other chapters in this Magic Success Secrets ebook will help build your self-confidence. As you increase your personal empowerments, you’ll lose your feeling of helplessness. Then you’ll be able to assume full responsibility for what happens to you in life. This does not mean you are always to blame for what happens. Rather it means that you’ll be able to face the challenges in life and deal with them. This is in contrast to avoiding the challenges in life or letting them defeat you.
By taking responsibility, you are shaping your own future. This is critical to making these success secrets work for you. Sometimes you won’t get what you want. However, you’ll always be a position to make the best of things.
Reviewing your life and achievements
At least once a year it’s time to review your life and achievements to see if you are getting what you want out of life.
If you are satisfied with your results, then just keep doing what has worked for you. You are in control of your own destiny. Congratulations!
However, if you aren’t satisfied with your results, then you need to decide whether you want to make the effort and take the risk needed to improve your life. After all, it’s all up to you.
If you want to try improving your life, the chapters in this ebook explain numerous methods for doing this. You can view a summary at the Introduction:
Overview of the Program subject.
Final thoughts
Taking charge of your life puts you on the road to success. The procedures described above should help you achieve that status.
So now, the future is up to you. This can be the start of a journey to a better life.
You probably will experience some mistakes and failures along the way. If you keep going, you likely will expand your abilities and develop a “can do” attitude.
Then you will be able to choose your own future.
Whenever you need to improve you ability to take charge of your life, you can come back to this Magic Success Secrets ebook and nibble away on its contents.
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Chapter 3: Discover Your True Desires
Many people enjoy life the most when seeking their true desires and using their natural talents. Desires are your innermost needs. Talents are your potential skills.
Because of your past social conditioning, you may not be aware of these hidden desires and talents. This chapter uses several methods that can reveal them.
The following topics can help you discover your true desires and natural talents.
Then you will know how you may want to shape your life.
Note: Be sure to read the Introduction to exercises before doing any of the actual exercises.
Here are the topics:
Introduction to exercises
Exercise #1: Your achievements
Exercise #2: Your emotional highs
Exercise #3: Lucid dreams
Exercise #4: Enjoying the good life
Exercise #5: Review and summary
Final thoughts
This material is based on insights from my subconscious mind, my personal experiences, and related common knowledge.
This was a fun chapter to write because it is mainly about being creative. My main problem was having to keep the exercises to a minimum. However, I believe that the four exercises I describe here will help guide your journey of self-discovery.
Many people seem to get the most enjoyment and satisfaction from life while fulfilling their true desires and using their natural talents. However, your true desires and natural talents may be buried under layers of social conditioning. The exercises below are designed to cut through these layers and uncover the real you.
I can’t reveal anything more about how these methods work. They have to be kind of “sneaky” to discover what lies hidden inside your subconscious mind.
Introduction to exercises
The following exercises use special methods to uncover your true desires and natural talents. For this reason, they may seem strange or silly. When doing the exercises don’t think about anything else. Just complete them to the best of your ability. Their purpose will be revealed after you finish them.
You will be asked to record certain information about yourself. You can either use sheets of paper with pen or pencil, or a word processing or spreadsheet program.
If you are going to use paper and pen or pencil, you will need ten sheets of paper.
Use one or two sheets of paper for each exercise.
As you begin an exercise, record the title of the exercise at the top of the paper or document page. Each exercise will ask you for several items. Leave two blank lines between each item.
After completing the first four exercises, you’ll review and summarize the results in the last exercise.
Note: Approach these exercises as if you were a child enjoying a new game.
Put away that stern, demanding side of your conscious mind. Let your thoughts flow freely, without any adult censorship.
Exercise #1: Your achievements
This exercise concerns your achievements in life. Some of these successes required skill or determination. Others made you proud or showed you at your best.
Write a short description for each of several achievements. Include only those since you were 15 years old. If you have had many different kinds of achievements, describe the best example of each kind.
Include what you achieved, what skills or activities were involved, and what obstacles you overcame. If applicable, explain why it made you proud or how it showed you at your best.
Exercise #2: Your emotional highs
This exercise concerns your emotional highs. An emotional high is when you have felt great joy or excitement in your life.
Write a short description for each of several emotional highs. Include only those since you were 15 years old. If you have had many different kinds of emotional highs, describe the best example of each kind.
Try to think of instances that weren’t successes as such, but they made you excited or joyful.
Show what emotions you felt, and what activity or event immediately preceded these emotions. Also, give your opinion of what produced the emotional high.
Here is an example from my own life. After my brother and I started our own business, I experienced an emotional high just driving a pickup truck to deliver supplies. I think it was the feeling of freedom that made me feel so ecstatic.
(However, after winter set in, I missed working in a warm office.) Exercise #3: Lucid dreams
This exercise uses the concept of lucid dreams. During a lucid dream, you realize that you’re dreaming, but you’re able to control what happens. You can do anything you want during a lucid dream. You can go backward or forward in time, travel to any country, change your personality, and so on.
Assume that you have begun taking a new medication that produces lucid dreams every night. During these lucid dreams, you decide to have some new adventures you’ve always desired.
Write a short description of three or four different adventures you might decide to have during these lucid dreams. Describe any change in your personality, what activities or events you experienced, and why you chose that adventure.
Exercise #4: Enjoying the good life
This exercise shows you enjoying the good life. This means doing whatever makes you happy, satisfied, and content.
Assume that you’ve received a large sum of money from a financial settlement.
You decide to take a year off and enjoy the good life. You’re in good physical condition and have no business, family, or social obligations that tie you down.
Describe briefly some different things you would enjoy doing over the next year.
Include where you would do these things (indoors or outdoors, city or country, at home or in a foreign country, etc.). Explain who or what you would interact with (people, organizations, social events, physical events, animals, plants, objects, information, etc.) while enjoying yourself.
Exercise #5: Review and summary
During this exercise, you review the previous four exercises and summarize the results. This summary should reveal your true desires and natural talents. Desires are your innermost needs. Talents are your potential skills.
Arrange a fresh sheet of paper lengthwise. After writing the exercise title at the top, draw a line down the middle of the paper. On the left side put the heading
“Desires” and on the right side put “Talents.”
Your desires are revealed by those situations that gave you feelings of joy or excitement.
Your talents are revealed by those activities that produced successes or feelings of achievement.
Now you should carefully review the pages from the four exercises above. You are looking for desires or talents that seem to repeat. Also, be on the lookout for unexpected desires or talents. As you find them, describe them under the appropriate heading.
After writing down all the desires and talents you have discovered, consider them for a few minutes.
The last thing to do is to circle the three desires and the three talents that appeared most often or aroused your interest the most. These need not be the desires or talents you are currently pursuing. However, they probably are your true desires and natural talents.
Final thoughts
These exercises may have been difficult to complete, but I believe the results are worth the effort. After performing all the above exercises, you’ll have a good idea of your true desires and natural talents.
You can use this knowledge about yourself to help guide your future. Thus, you may want to emphasize these desires and talents at work (with your employer’s permission), or when choosing the type of employment to seek or small business to start.
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Chapter 4: Set Meaningful Goals
Meaningful goals are those that are both desirable and achievable. Goals give direction to your life. They can take you from where you are to where you want to be. They allow you to control your own destiny.
Use the following topics to set meaningful goals that will help satisfy your needs and desires. These procedures also help you to achieve your goals.
Here are the topics:
Introduction to exercises
Gauging your tolerance for change and risk
Reviewing your capabilities, desires, and needs
Choosing desirable and attainable goals
Selecting mileposts and deadlines
Taking the next steps
Final thoughts
This material is based on insights from my subconscious mind, my personal experiences, and related common knowledge.
It is generally acknowledged that many goals are never achieved. Therefore, my objective for this chapter was to ensure that you had the ability to set and achieve goals, your goals would be desirable and attainable, and you had the tools needed to achieve goals.
There are several reasons why it can be difficult to achieve your goals. I believe that the following problems explain why many goals are never achieved.
There is some barrier preventing you from taking decisive action.
See the Overcoming Any Barriers to Action topic in another subject.
You don’t have enough free time to work on the goal.
See the Use Time Saving Tips chapter.
The chosen goal is beyond your present capabilities.
The chosen goal is not important enough to you.
The chosen goal does not provide excitement or pleasure.
The chosen goal would take too long to achieve.
The exercises and guidelines in this chapter provide various ways to eliminate these remaining problems.
Introduction to exercises
A goal is a statement of something to be achieved. This statement should be clear, definite, and compelling. The goal should be both doable and desirable, or it likely won’t be achieved or even attempted.
These exercises will get you off to a good start in setting goals and preparing to achieve them. You should use them in sequence the first time through. After that, you may wish to repeat one or more exercise as often as needed.
Where an exercise directs you to record information using paper and pencil or pen, you may choose to use a word processor or spreadsheet program instead.
Gauging your tolerance for change and risk
Sometimes a goal could either make a significant change in your life or expose you to a substantial risk. Before attempting any such goal, you need to gauge your tolerance for change and risk. If the effects of this goal could exceed these tolerances, you probably should revise or abandon this goal.
As your attitudes or circumstances change, you probably should determine again your tolerance for change and risk.
Permissible changes
Any significant changes in your life affect not only you but also your family, friends, and even fellow workers. Therefore, if you care about these other people, then you should keep them in mind when setting your goals.
It’s usually best to make gradual changes. This is because these kinds of changes are easiest to make and they are less likely to upset others. Once you have made the change without mishap, it usually will be accepted. Then after a while, you could try for another gradual change. At some point, you may have increased your capabilities, public image, and self-confidence so that making changes in your life is no longer a problem.
Permissible risks
When deciding how large a risk you should take, assume that any possible loss will actually happen. Then determine how much of a loss you could suffer without adversely affecting your lifestyle. Keep this maximum loss in mind when setting your goals.
As an example, a possible loss of $250 might be acceptable. However, the possible loss of $5,000 or your current job may not be acceptable. Be honest with yourself. Do what is best for you and your family.
Reviewing your capabilities, desires, and needs
This exercise helps you determine if a future goal appears to be worthwhile. You will make this determination by comparing the goal against your capabilities, desires, and needs.
Your capabilities determine whether a particular goal is doable. Moreover, if a particular goal satisfies your needs and desires, then you’ll be more likely to work toward that goal.
Make a list of these three factors, as shown below. Keep this list available so you can use it when choosing a goal. You should update this list as your circumstances change.
Get some sheets of paper and pen or pencil. Write down the name of a factor and then write a description on the following lines. Use at least half a sheet of paper for each factor.
Here are the three factors:
Your capabilities
Personal resources:
This includes your ambition, education, experience, knowledge, self-confidence, skills, and talents.
Physical resources:
This includes your equipment, supplies, tools, vehicles, and other property.
Financial resources:
This includes your cash on hand and in the bank, any income you are presently earning, and your ability to obtain loans.
Your desires
This might mean what you want to achieve in life. Then again, it might refer to excitement, pleasure, or self-esteem.
Your needs
This might mean how much money you want to make. Maybe you have obligations to your family or other people that must be satisfied.
Choosing desirable and attainable goals
This exercise provides some guidelines that may help you when choosing goals.
However, it is entirely up to you to choose worthwhile goals.
Your goals should be both doable and desirable.
Your goals should give you excitement and pleasure.
Your goals should be worth the time, effort, risk, and expense required to pursue them.
When choosing your first few goals try for ones that can be achieved easily and rapidly. (These early successes will increase your self-confidence and facilitate your personal empowerment program.)
After achieving some early successes, you might next try for goals that will increase your capabilities and personal power. (Then you will be ready to try for more challenging goals.)
To help you further in selecting worthwhile goal, here are some leading questions to ask yourself.
What do I want out of life?
How can I put my abilities to best use?
What things do I most enjoy doing?
What were the happiest times in my life?
What accomplishments have given me the most satisfaction?
What goals can I accomplish with my existing capabilities?
Selecting mileposts and deadlines
This exercise helps you in setting mileposts and deadlines. These devices let you monitor your progress. They help insure that a goal is achieved on time.
Goals can be monitored most effectively by dividing them into smaller tasks. A milepost refers to the completion of one of these smaller tasks. The expected date of completing the smaller task is its deadline. Sometimes it’s better to set a time limit of so many hours, rather than a specific date. This is done when you aren’t sure just when you will have some free time, but you know that the task should take only a certain amount of time.
Get some sheets of paper and a pencil or pen. Write your current goal at the top of the paper. Divide the paper into two columns. The first column is used to describe a smaller task. The second column is used for a deadline or time limit, as the case may be. This second column should only be about one-third the size of the first column.
Now break the goal into several smaller tasks. List each task on the paper, leaving two lines between each task. Then go back and put down your estimate for a deadline or time limit for each task.
As you work on the goal, you might have occasion to revise this schedule. It’s not intended to be cast in stone. It’s just meant to monitor your progress on completing the goal. Then if you begin to fall behind this schedule, you can either revise it or find ways to work more efficiently.
Taking the next steps
So far, the information in this chapter has helped you choose a meaningful goal and given you a method to keep track of your progress toward that goal.
This ebook contains various methods to help you attain your goals. The first step might be using your subconscious mind to help you reach your goals. See the
Train Your Subconscious Mind chapter.
Another step is to remove any barriers that might prevent you from taking decisive action on your current goal. Use the Overcome Common Obstacles
chapter to help you.
The next step is to help you find enough free time to work on your goal. The information on the Use Time Saving Tips chapter should provide many ideas for using your time more efficiently.
The final step is up to you. This is where you dig in and do whatever else is needed to attain your goal.
Final thoughts
I hope the exercises in this chapter will help you in choosing worthwhile goals and carrying them to completion.
There are many sayings that describe the importance of actually getting results.
One of the best is that old saw, “Actions speak louder than words.” At this point I’m going to stop talking, except to say—good luck!
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Chapter 5: Make Logical Decisions
This chapter is meant for those people who have trouble making a sound decision. Some people can use their intuition or personal feelings to make good decisions. But if you need help, you might try my methods for making logical decisions. A logical decision is based on facts, experience, and probabilities—not intuition or emotions. Thus, a logical decision can produce useful results for many people.
The following topics outline the steps for making a logical decision. Since these procedures can be time consuming, you may only want to use them for important decisions.
Here are the topics:
Introduction to methods
Eliminating your emotions
Reviewing the situation
Verifying all important assumptions and estimates
Determining any possible downside
Comparing the pros and cons
Making a low-risk decision
Final thoughts
This material is based on insights from my subconscious mind, my personal experiences, and related common knowledge.
Sometimes decisions have to be made with incomplete or faulty information. In this case, I favor making low-risk decisions (of course, I always favor low-risk decisions). A low-risk decision is one that should not adversely affect your life if it doesn’t work out.
What’s that? You say it doesn’t do any good to make logical decisions, because some unknown factor might spoil things. Hah, I got you covered.
There is a famous analogy about how a series of imperfect decisions can lead to the desired results. Let’s say you’re a pilot flying from New York to London.
There is a recommended flight path for this journey.
As you travel to London, various unknown forces continually push your plane off this “perfect” flight path. How do you avoid landing somewhere else? Well, you have to make a series of course corrections. See, you don’t have to fly the perfect flight path. You only have to approximate the desired flight path. Then, as you get ready to land, you make the final course correction.
Therefore, use these success secrets to make logical decisions. You will discover the approximate path to success. Then make course corrections as needed to produce the desired results.
Introduction to methods
I have summarized a decision-making process that can reduce mistakes and false steps. It also can increase your self-confidence and encourage you to keep striving toward a difficult goal. In some cases, it might reveal that a proposed task is not worth the effort and risk required.
The following methods provide a roadmap for making logical decisions.
Normally, you should use these methods in sequence. However, in some cases, you may not need a particular method.
Some of the following exercises ask you to manually record information on sheets of paper. However, you may prefer to use a spreadsheet or word processing program instead.
Eliminating your emotions
You can’t make a logical decision while being influenced by your emotions. The part of your mind that is ruled by emotions overrides the part that operates by logic.
Don’t make an important decision when you feel strong emotions. Wait until your emotions subside. This may take a few minutes, a few hours, or a day or so. Then calmly start the decision process.
Reviewing the situation
Study the situation to determine the desired result and the available choices. If you have handled this kind of situation before you may already know what to do or how to find out what to do.
Sometimes you know what must be done, but you don’t know how to do it. This happens when you move outside your comfort zone. You may have to acquire more information or learn new skills before you know how to proceed.
Here’s how to acquire more information:
Ask the advice of people who have experience with your situation.
(You may not necessarily follow their suggestions, but they may provide helpful ideas.)
Use the Internet to research your situation. Search for keywords that describe the problem.
Visit a public library. Ask the people in the reference section how to find the information you need.
Ask your family and friends for help. (Many people love to give advice.)
Talk to retired people. They have a whole lifetime of knowledge.
Use the Learn New Skills chapter to increase your own knowledge and experience.
Verifying all important assumptions and estimates
Sometimes you don’t know all the facts in a particular situation. You may be tempted to use unsupported assumptions or estimates in place of the missing facts. However, what if some missing facts are crucial? Then you should take the time to verify them.
You may have to ask for advice from experienced people, do some research, perform some calculations, or study some reference material to replace your assumptions and estimates with solid facts and reliable calculations.
Determining any possible downside
Every decision you make may have a downside, a known or unknown possibility that you wouldn’t want to happen. This downside could be a lost opportunity, extra expense or effort, or a loss where you expected a profit.
You should be aware of any downside when considering the pros and cons of a situation in the next topic.
Note: You may already know the expected benefits of the various choices.
Comparing the pros and cons
Get a pencil and some sheets of paper. Position the sheets of paper lengthwise.
Describe the pending decision at the top of the first sheet of paper. Draw two vertical lines to divide the remainder of the sheet into three columns. Name these columns as follows: “Choice,” “Pros,” and “Cons.”
Enter the first available choice for this decision in the first column. In the second column, record all the favorable results expected from this choice. In the third column, record all the unfavorable results expected from this choice. Record even those results that aren’t likely to happen. Skip several lines (to allow for additions and corrections). Then continue with the remaining choices and results.
My personal experiences tell me that life is a game of probabilities. Therefore, you usually want to estimate the probability of each pro and con event. Use a rating between “1” and “10” to indicate the assumed odds. Thus, a “1” indicates almost no chance of it happening. A “10” indicates near certainty of it happening.
When weighing the pros and cons for each choice, you should give less consideration to those results that aren’t likely.
Now you can review the pros and cons for each choice and decide on the best choice.
In my opinion, you should never select a choice that could result in a disastrous loss. This is true even if there is only a small chance of the loss happening.
Making a low-risk decision
The world is very complicated. It isn’t always possible to know all the factors that may affect a decision. Moreover, some unexpected factors may spoil things.
Thus, even logical decisions can’t be relied upon for “perfect” results.
One of the guidelines from my personal experiences is, “Always allow for the unexpected.” For this reason, it usually is best to make a low-risk decision. This type of decision assumes that something unexpected may happen. It uses the axiom: “Better safe than sorry.” My recommendation is always to make a low-risk decision.
A low-risk decision is one in which the odds of success are high and the potential losses from a failure are low. I always avoid choices, even those with very desirable benefits, if they could have disastrous consequences.
In my experience, if I manage to stay in the game long enough, I will always triumph. (This presumes that there is not some known or unknown force playing against me. If you have ever gambled or traded the stock market, you know what I mean.) However, if I am knocked out of the game by some large or unexpected loss, then it will take time and effort to recover. Also, the longer I succeed in the game, the better I’ll be able to overcome any adversities that come my way.
Final thoughts
Making logical decisions is a trial and error process. It’s not always possible to know what is best. This may not be revealed until time passes. Try to make the best decision possible at the time. Later, you can make any “course corrections” needed.
With experience, you will be able to make better and faster decisions.
If facts are insufficient to make a sound decision, try to put off the decision.
However, if a decision has to be made, base it on the available facts. You want to control your life as much as possible. You don’t want outside forces or indecision to render you powerless.
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Chapter 6: Train Your Subconscious Mind
Your subconscious mind has enormous power that can be used to overcome many of the barriers to improving your life. For many people the subconscious is just a sleeping giant. However, once you learn how to train your subconscious it can become your best friend. It can help you solve problems and increase your personal empowerment.
The subconscious part of your mind is a very mysterious creature. You notice I said mind and not brain. No one really knows the exact nature of the subconscious mind. Maybe it resides entirely within your brain, maybe not.
However, through trial and error, I have uncovered some of its mysteries. These mysteries are revealed in the topics of this chapter.
Here are the topics:
My early discoveries
Nature of the subconscious mind
How beliefs affect your life
Skill #1: Solving problems
Skill #2: Instilling new beliefs
Skill #3: Visualizing your achievements
Final thoughts
This material is based on my breakthrough revelations, insights from my subconscious mind, my personal experiences, and related common knowledge.
This chapter describes the main ways you can train your subconscious mind to help you in life. However, it probably is best to start with making small changes at first. If these methods work for you then you can go on to improved changes.
Your subconscious mind can help you attain the kind of life you want. This assumes that you have the required abilities and resources, and are willing to put forth the required efforts. This usually means that you will make progress in easy steps, with each successive step building on the results of the previous steps.
This chapter discusses the three main skills you can develop in your own subconscious mind.
The solving problems skill encourages your subconscious mind to solve various types of problems.
The instilling new beliefs skill is used to change your attitudes and beliefs about your possibilities in life.
The visualizing your achievements skill is used to focus your attention on a particular goal you want to achieve.
My early discoveries
Before I started this ebook project, I had been using my subconscious mind to help solve problems. This happened over the years by accident. When I had a problem, I would think about it for a while. Then I would give up if I couldn’t find an answer. However, sometimes the answer would pop into my conscious mind after a day or so. I never wondered why or how this happened. I just assumed that I had some brilliant insight by accident.
As these magical insights kept appearing, I finally began to understand what was happening. I already knew that my subconscious mind was a great storehouse of information. So it had to be the source of the insights. Now it was just a matter of training my subconscious mind for the magic to become routine.
I eventually developed a method that encouraged my subconscious mind to solve problems. This method is explained under the Solving problems topic below.
Later on, I read some self-help books and took a self-improvement course that showed how to use some other powers of my subconscious mind.
Nature of the subconscious mind
The human brain has two separate minds: the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. These two minds have very different purposes. For example, let’s see what happens when you open your eyes in the morning. Using your conscious mind, you can observe your surroundings with little or no effort.
Meanwhile, your subconscious mind is performing an incredible amount of work.
It uses the electrical signals from the optic nerve, together with previously stored information, to resolve these electrical signals into various objects. Then it sends these images, together with any related emotions, to your conscious mind. Your conscious mind, which is not aware of this activity of the subconscious mind, simply receives these images and any related emotions.
“What’s the big deal?” you may ask. I’ll show you. I’m going to blindfold you and then hand you a bundle of wires. Now using only the electrical signals from this bundle of wires try to identify the objects in front of you. While we’re at it, tell me if any of these objects are dangerous or remind you of significant experiences. Can’t do it, can you?
All I want you to understand right now is that your subconscious mind has fantastic abilities, which it performs mostly in secret.
How beliefs affect your life
As you go through life, your subconscious mind accumulates various attitudes, beliefs, and traits. These things (your belief system) determine how you react to the world around you. They determine whether you see danger or opportunity.
They determine whether you should be happy or sad. They determine what type of goals you should try for, or whether you should try for any goals.
The beliefs held in your subconscious mind determine how your brain interprets the world around you, and your ability to achieve success in it. Thus, if you believe that a certain goal isn’t possible for you, then you probably won’t even try for it. So, if you want to know the nature of your own beliefs, just look around at your surroundings. These surroundings are determined by your beliefs.
Do you live in a mansion and drive a fancy car? Unless you inherited your money, your beliefs are very empowering. As for any other type of surroundings, well they just reflect your current beliefs. (Did you notice that I said your current beliefs?)
Before receiving my revelations, I often wondered why people with the same education, intelligence, and (apparent) ambition achieve such different results in life. Some factors might have affected some of these achievers. They might have received help from influential friends or family members. They might have stumbled onto an opportunity and taken advantage of it. Maybe they were just lucky, good looking, or had some secret driving force. After receiving my revelations, I vote for the secret driving force. I think this secret driving force of achievers is their empowering beliefs. They believe that they are entitled to success in life and that they have the abilities to achieve success.
Skill #1: Solving problems
By trial and error, I discovered the following procedure for solving problems using my subconscious mind:
1. Carefully review a written statement of the problem for several minutes.
2. Expect your subconscious mind to solve the problem.
3. Sleep on the problem. Don’t be concerned about it any more.
4. When a possible solution to the problem pops into your conscious mind, try it.
These steps show your subconscious mind that you are serious about getting the problem solved.
Later on, I discovered that my subconscious mind also could help with my writing. If I had a writing problem, such as trying to explain some difficult concepts, the same procedure worked. I would review the writing that needed fixing, think about the problem for a while, expect a solution from my subconscious, sleep on it, and then the answer would pop into my conscious mind in a day or two.
I also discovered that I couldn’t force this procedure. I couldn’t just ask my subconscious mind to start writing. It apparently wanted me to do something to show that I was serious about the writing project. I had to take the first step. I had to start writing regardless of how crude my efforts were. Then I would review what I have written and expect my subconscious mind to clean things up and expand on my writings, which it did.
Using your subconscious mind to help you is one of my favorite success secrets.
This of course presumes that you have started to train your subconscious and it is giving you good results.
Another variation on this method is deciding among various alternatives. Here is the procedure:
1. Summarize the overall situation, the alternatives, and their related pros and cons.
2. Carefully review the situation, the alternatives, and their respective pros and cons.
3. Expect your subconscious mind to determine the best choice.
4. Ignore the situation for several days so your subconscious mind can mull things over.
5. Try out any reasonable solution that pops into your conscious mind.
The more often you use your subconscious to solve problems, the better and faster will be the results.
Skill #2: Instilling new beliefs
One day I received a burst of energy for no apparent reason. This was the “kick in the pants” I needed to get going on this Magic Success Secrets project. I had already learned about various ways to instill new beliefs into my subconscious mind prior to this event. I’m kind of a lazy person so I created a visualization
exercise to give myself a kick in the pants whenever needed. See the link to
Summon Bursts of Energy below.
Thus, I now had two uses for my subconscious mind. I could use it to solve problems and I could instill new beliefs into it.
See Develop Empowering Beliefs for various ways to implant new beliefs into your subconscious mind.
See the two following chapters to gain new powers:
Summon Bursts of Energy
Conquer Irrational Fear
Skill #3: Visualizing your achievements
This is the last skill I learned to use. This exercise uses your subconscious mind to help achieve your current goal. Your subconscious mind can be a powerful tool for making improvements in your life. However, you may have to do a little training first.
One of the best ways for training your subconscious mind is doing repeated
visualizations. This visualization (described below) implants a new belief in your
mind. The belief is that you achieve your goal, and this achievement brings you great satisfaction.
A visualization is a guided daydream. You decide what is to happen and then you see it played out inside your mind. As this daydream unfolds, allow yourself to feel the excitement and pleasure of the activities involved in achieving your current goal. The repetition of this visualization, along with your intense feelings, helps condition your mind to accept this new reality.
You first need to create scenes to use for the visualization. These scenes should show you working on your current goal, achieving the goal, and enjoying its benefits. (Note: this is one reason to choose goals that give you excitement and pleasure.) The more details and intense feelings you can think of the better.
You can either write these scenes down on a piece of paper or just remember them.
Now close your eyes and go into the visualization. See the actions, feel the emotions. Let yourself laugh or smile if appropriate. Continue with this visualization for several minutes.
This exercise should help you to keep working toward your goal. It should also help your subconscious mind believe that you are capable of achieving the goal.
Repeat this visualization three times a day for two weeks. Then use it once a day until the idea of achieving your goal and having a better life feels normal.
You also can use this exercise whenever you have bogged down or lost interest in working toward your goal.
Final thoughts
Now my subconscious mind is one of my best friends. It wants to help me succeed in life. However, first I must show it that I am serious about my needs and desires. My subconscious mind has great power, but it acts like a child in many respects. Moreover, it seems to have a “show me” attitude.
Some of the magic success secrets in this ebook use the power of your subconscious mind to improve your life. The steps are all spelled out in the various chapters.
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Chapter 7: Develop Empowering Beliefs
Empowering beliefs can give you self-confidence and a “can do” attitude. They can help you overcome obstacles and achieve your desired goals. If your current progress in life does not satisfy you, the problem may be outdated or limiting beliefs. This chapter shows how to use empowering beliefs to overcome any outdated or limiting beliefs you may have.
The following topics describe how to instill empowering beliefs into your subconscious mind.
Here are the topics:
Introduction to methods
Choosing your new beliefs
Implanting beliefs using affirmations
Implanting beliefs using physical actions
Implanting beliefs using visualizations
Continuing with the process
Final thoughts
This material is based on my breakthrough revelations, insights from my subconscious mind, my personal experiences, and related common knowledge.
This subject describes one of the ways in which you can train your subconscious mind to help you in life. However, it probably is best to start with making small changes at first. If these methods work for you, then you can try other improvements.
The circumstances you experience in life usually derive from your accepted
beliefs. If you wonder about the nature of these beliefs, you have merely to
observe the nature of your present circumstances. Empowering beliefs tend to result in a life of successively higher achievements. Limiting beliefs tend to result in a life of moderate achievements. And perhaps some disappointments.
Beliefs determine how your subconscious mind interprets the outside world and your ability to deal with it. Your accepted beliefs were implanted into your subconscious mind through repetition and/or strong emotions. You can use the same methods to develop new beliefs.
Many people believe they are stuck with their present circumstances. This puts the cart before the horse. People actually are stuck with their present beliefs—but only until they choose to change them.
How do you change your beliefs? Well, you can’t do it directly. You have to send your subconscious mind forceful impressions that are repetitive and have high emotional impact. Then your subconscious mind will gradually change your beliefs to match the new impressions you are sending it.
Some of these impressions may not be literally “true” at the time they are sent.
This doesn’t matter. Your subconscious mind can’t tell the difference between reality and the vivid impressions you send it.
Introduction to methods
These methods are designed to replace some of your outdated or limited beliefs with ones that can help improve your life. This process of reprogramming your
mind may take several weeks or a few months. You will know when this process
is achieving results when you begin to display the desired attitudes, beliefs, and/or traits.
Some of the following exercises may not make sense to you. However, your subconscious mind isn’t concerned with logic. It will accept any new information that is repeated often enough. It also helps to feel strong, positive emotions during this process.
In the first exercise below, you choose your new beliefs. Then you use one or more of the methods in the next three exercises to send vivid impressions to your subconscious mind. In the last exercise you decide whether and when to continue with the process of changing your beliefs.
Choosing your new beliefs
I recommend that your new beliefs should be focused on personal empowerment.
However, you have to be realistic when choosing your new beliefs. Set your new beliefs slightly above your present capabilities. Then you can gradually raise the level of these new beliefs as your capabilities increase.
These new beliefs can be most readily implanted in the form of attitudes, beliefs, and/or traits. You can choose items from the following list, or make up your own list of desirable beliefs.
Attitudes, beliefs, and/or traits to be implanted:
I am ambitious
I am assertive
I am a self-starter
I assume responsibility for my own success
I have a driving force
I have a need for achievement
I have self-confidence
(Note: the example used in the following three exercises will show how the
“assertive” attitude can be implanted into your subconscious mind.) Implanting beliefs using affirmations
An affirmation consists of one or more statements describing something you already have, such as a particular attitude, belief, and/or trait. Notice that you may be “fooling” your subconscious mind by claiming to already possess whatever you are affirming. However, the statement must show an existing condition.
For example: Instead of saying, “I want to be ambitious.” The statement should say, “I am ambitious.”
If an affirmation consists of two or more statements, they should all be consistent with each other. If all your statements on focused on various aspects of personal empowerment this shouldn’t be a problem.
For the most impact on your subconscious mind you should read the affirmation aloud in a forceful and enthusiastic manner. Repeat each statement in your affirmation several times each session. Have at least two sessions each day.
Perform the first session in the morning before starting work for the day.
As you repeat the affirmation, your subconscious mind begins to accept it as,
“The way things are.” However, you need to be willing and able to back up your affirmation in everyday life. Thus, if you claim to be assertive in your affirmation, then you must act this way in real life. So you don’t want to include any statement in your affirmation that you can’t live up to.
Example statement showing you as assertive:
“I am forceful and self-assured in dealing with people and achieving my goals.”
Implanting beliefs using physical actions
You can use a physical action to implant a belief by repeatedly performing some aspect of a capability you want to develop. This action should not be dangerous or contrary to law, good morals, or common sense.
The aspect you select should be able to be performed in a short period. It should contain the essence of whatever attitude, belief, and/or trait you are trying to instill into your subconscious mind.
You should repeat this action several times each day. During these times let yourself feel the excitement and joy of performing the action.
As you repeat the action and feel the strong emotions from doing it, your subconscious mind will begin to accept this action as normal for you.
Example physical action showing you as assertive:
Take a rolled-up newspaper and start whacking it forcefully upon a sturdy table. While doing this let yourself feel the excitement and joy of asserting yourself. (This newspaper whacking idea is from a Dale Carnegie Course® that I took years ago.)
Implanting beliefs using visualizations
A visualization is a guided daydream. You decide what is to happen and then you see it played out inside your mind. As this daydream unfolds, allow yourself to feel the excitement and pleasure of your new capability. The repetition of this visualization, along with your intense feelings, helps condition your subconscious mind to accept this new reality.
You first need to create a scene to use for the visualization. This scene should show you using your new capability to attain some desirable achievement. The more details and intense feelings you can think of the better. You probably should write the scene down on a piece of paper so you can study and remember it.
Example scene showing you as assertive:
You are discussing a business problem with your co-workers. There is one person who always tries to hog the conversation and impose his opinions on everyone else. As he drones on incessantly, you interrupt him to calmly express your own opinions. He disagrees with you, but you back up your assertions with indisputable facts. He slowly gives in. Many of your co-workers smile at you to show their appreciation.
You should memorize whatever scene you will use. After you have memorized it, do the visualization:
Close your eyes and go into the visualization.
See the actions, feel the emotions. Let yourself laugh or smile if appropriate.
Continue with this visualization for several minutes.
Repeat this visualization three times a day for two weeks. Then use it once a day until the idea of having this new capability feels normal.
Continuing with the process
After you have successfully implanted some new belief you may be eager to repeat the process to further enhance your capabilities. However, you need a certain amount of time to gain experience and become comfortable with each new attitude, belief, and/or trait.
This is like the old adage, “You have to learn to crawl before you can learn to walk.”
So don’t try to conquer the world all at once. People who have achieved great success do it by gradually, but continually, increasing their capabilities. Then they use their enhanced capabilities to attain new victories. You can copy their methods.
Final thoughts
It doesn’t matter what your existing beliefs are or how they got into your subconscious mind. All that matters from this point forward is what you do to change any outdated or limited beliefs. This assumes, of course, that you aren’t happy with your present circumstances.
The ability to replace some of your beliefs with ones that are more suitable will reinforce the other skills in this ebook and help you accomplish your goals.
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Chapter 8: Summon Bursts of Energy
A burst of energy is a sudden feeling of power that wells up from deep within your being. You can train your subconscious mind to produce this burst of energy on demand. This energy gives you the ability to take immediate action on whatever needs doing.
Use the following topics to learn how to summon bursts of energy on demand.
You do this by using a visualization that implants this ability into your subconscious mind.
Here are the topics:
Introduction to exercises
Visualizing unlimited energy
Using bursts of energy for small tasks
Using bursts of energy for everyday tasks
Using bursts of energy for large or difficult tasks
Final thoughts
This material is based on my breakthrough revelations, insights from my subconscious mind, my personal experiences, and related common knowledge.
This is another way you can train your subconscious mind to help you in life. I created this visualization after receiving a burst of energy from the universe. I didn’t know how often I would receive this gift, so I wanted some reliable method to prod myself into action on demand.
One of the barriers to achieving your goals in life may be the lack of a strong driving force. This lack can prevent you from taking action on an important task.
This lack may be expressed as a low energy level, a habit of procrastination, or even occasional feelings of despair or helplessness. Being able to summon bursts of energy lets you overcome this problem.
Everyone is born with the ability to display bursts of energy on occasion.
Unfortunately, this natural gift often is repressed during childhood as part of the
“civilizing” process. By reprogramming your mind, you can regain this ability.
Of course, if your lack of energy is due to some physical or psychological impairment you’ll need to fix that problem first.
Your subconscious mind can be reprogrammed by sending it impressions that are repetitive and have high emotional impact. The exercises in this chapter use this method to unleash and control bursts of energy. As with all mental conditioning, you need to practice these exercises long enough to implant the new attitudes, beliefs, and/or traits within your subconscious mind. Then you have to develop the resulting habits.
Introduction to exercises
The purpose of the following exercises is to develop or increase your ability to summon bursts of energy on demand.
Some of these exercises may not make sense to you. However, your subconscious mind isn’t concerned with logic. It will accept any new information that is repeated often enough. It also helps to feel strong, positive emotions during this process.
The first exercise gives you a sense of unlimited energy. The second exercise shows you how to summon bursts of energy as needed. The last two exercises develop your ability to use these bursts of energy to start and complete ordinary or difficult tasks.
Practice each exercise for at least two weeks before starting the next exercise.
Keep doing each exercise until you have mastered it. You should perform one or more of these exercises daily until you can summon bursts of energy on demand.
This process of retraining your subconscious mind may take a few months.
Visualizing unlimited energy
This exercise uses your subconscious mind to develop a new ability. Your subconscious mind can be a powerful tool for making improvements in your life.
However, you have to do some training first.
One of the best ways for training your subconscious mind is doing repeated visualizations. This visualization (described below) implants a new belief in your mind. The belief is that you can receive a burst of unlimited energy from the universe.
A visualization is a guided daydream. You decide what is to happen and then you see it played out inside your mind. As this daydream unfolds, let yourself feel the excitement and power of being able to call up bursts of energy. The repetition of this visualization, along with your intense feelings, helps condition your mind to accept this new ability.
I have created a scene to use for the visualization. You can create your own story if you don’t like this one. First study the written description of the story until you know it. Then close your eyes and go into the visualization. See the actions take place inside your mind. Feel the emotions—let yourself laugh or smile if appropriate. Continue with this visualization for several minutes.
Here is the scene:
You are alone on a vast plain. A warm summer sun caresses your face.
There is no sound except for a soft breeze rustling the grass at your feet.
Then you look up into the sky and raise your hands, asking the universe for the gift of unlimited energy. Soon the sky is filled with dark clouds and the sound of thunder! Just then, a bolt of lightning flashes down from the clouds and enters your body.
You are filled with a fiery energy. Zap, zap—you can feel the electricity coursing through your body. Pop, pop—the energy is unbelievable! You feel alive like never before. Whatever you want to do is now in your power. You have the energy to overcome any obstacle. Your ambition is boundless. Nothing can stop you now!
You survey the scene around you and smile. The air is vibrant and alive with possibilities. Gazing up into the sky again, you give thanks for this gift. You seem to know, without being told, that this power is available whenever you need it.
Repeat this visualization three times a day for two weeks. Then use it once a day until the idea of having unlimited energy starts feeling normal.
Using bursts of energy for small tasks
In this exercise, you practice summoning bursts of energy to help you perform small tasks. As you continue using this new ability your subconscious mind starts to develop a habit. Because of this habit it will become easier and easier to summon bursts of energy whenever you need them.
Pick out some small, but unpleasant, tasks that you normally hate doing. The next time one of these tasks comes up do the following:
You should be able to call up a burst of energy whenever desired now.
If you need help, go back to the previous exercise that depicted you as having unlimited energy.
You’re going to use code words to train your subconscious mind to call up this energy on demand. First, say some code words to yourself, for example—“Energy now!” Then let yourself feel a burst of energy flowing through your body.
Next, start working on the task in a forceful manner. Move as if you have a purpose in life. Be assertive, be in control of yourself. Act vigorously and decisively.
After completing the task, let yourself enjoy the excitement and power of your new ability.
Use this exercise for at least two weeks. Continue the exercise until you can power through these unpleasant tasks whenever needed.
Using bursts of energy for everyday tasks
This exercise is similar to the previous one, but you’ll be working on larger tasks.
Therefore, you may have to summon bursts of energy repeatedly until you have finished the task.
Since these are everyday tasks, you already know how to complete them.
However, you may need a burst of energy to start or continue on one of these tasks. When you feel the need for more energy, follow this procedure: Use the same method and code words as shown in the previous Using
bursts of energy for small tasks exercise.
After you feel the energy coursing through your body, start working on the task in a forceful manner. Move as if you have a purpose in life.
Be assertive, be in control of yourself. Act vigorously and decisively.
After receiving the energy and working on the task, let yourself feel the pleasure of having this new power.
Use this exercise for several weeks. Repeat the visualization method described in previous exercise if you need to reinforce your ability to call up bursts of energy.
Using bursts of energy for large or difficult tasks
After you have mastered using bursts of energy on everyday tasks, you can try using this power on larger or more difficult tasks. However, since you may not know how to do these tasks the following advice may help you.
Sometimes it’s hard to take the first step on a large or difficult task. You may feel unsure about making important decisions. You even may be a little frightened.
The information in the chapters linked below may give you the confidence you need to attack these tough jobs:
Make Logical Decisions
Conquer Irrational Fear
Before starting the main task you might want to determine what advance preparations are needed. You may want to break a big job down into smaller pieces. Also, you may need to complete any advance preparations before starting on the main task.
Here are some helpful topics from the Use Time Saving Tips chapter:
Know your final objective
Prepare a work plan (when appropriate)
Divide big jobs into smaller pieces
Complete all required preparations first
You may encounter various problems after starting on the main task. Here are some more possible solutions from the Using Time Saving Tips chapter:
Avoid or minimize interruptions
Break the habit of perfectionism
Complete those small, nagging tasks
Delegate certain tasks (when appropriate)
Eliminate unneeded tasks
Emphasize the most important tasks
Finish one task before starting the next
Know when to get help or stop working
Organize your workplace
Use standardized forms and procedures
Use to-do lists and deadlines
You may need a burst of energy from time to time to start or continue with the task. Here is the procedure again:
Use the same method and code words as shown in the above Using
bursts of energy for small tasks exercise.
Next, start working on the task in a forceful manner. Move as if you have a purpose in life. Be assertive, be in control of yourself. Act vigorously and decisively.
After completing each portion of the task, let yourself enjoy the excitement and power of your new ability.
Use this exercise for several weeks. You might want to make it a permanent part of your everyday activities.
Final thoughts
Some people seem to have boundless energy that helps them get things done.
However, if you practice the above exercises, you can develop this same ability.
There is nothing that helps create self-confidence like the ability to power through those tough jobs.
This ability will reinforce the other methods and skills in this ebook. Use this information to help you succeed in your endeavors.
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Chapter 9: Conquer Irrational Fear
Irrational fear is fear that is excessive or unreasoning. This excessive fear tends to paralyze you and keep you from taking action on your important goals.
This excessive fear results from beliefs held within your subconscious mind.
However, you can implant new beliefs that give you the ability to control excessive fear. Being able to control your fear lets you overcome this barrier to taking action.
The following topics reveal how to conquer excessive fear. You do this by using a visualization to give you courage.
Here are the topics:
Introduction to exercises
Visualizing great courage
Standing up to ridicule
Facing the unknown
Controlling fear in everyday life
Controlling fear in difficult situations
Final thoughts
This material is based on my breakthrough revelations, insights from my subconscious mind, my personal experiences, and related common knowledge.
This is another way you can train your subconscious mind to help improve your life. You may wonder if this is really possible. The only way to know is to try it.
It is best to start out by overcoming small fears. Then you may want to try this method on more imposing fears. However, never use this method to place yourself in real danger!
Almost everyone feels fear at one time or another. Fear comes from the
subconscious mind. It could be a warning of possible danger. This warning is
triggered by the unknown, or by memories of hurtful past experiences.
Fear also could be a result of social conditioning. Thus, a fear of ridicule is one way for society to maintain a certain amount of discipline.
Regardless of the source of this excessive or unreasoning fear, you need to control it. Otherwise, it can keep you from pursuing your dreams.
However, there is a problem when talking about controlling fear. In many cases, it is socially unacceptable to exhibit or acknowledge fear. Social groups have needed, and still need, courageous leaders and fighters to defend them against the dangers of the world. Therefore, fear often is disguised as something else, something that is more socially acceptable.
It may be difficult to admit that you are fearful on occasion. However, when confronting fear, you have to be truthful with yourself. Otherwise, you may not take the steps needed to overcome irrational fear.
You don’t want to block out all fear. You need a certain amount of fear for self-preservation and to stay within the bounds of propriety.
Introduction to exercises
These methods will teach you how to control excessive fear and replace it with courage. The idea is not to eliminate fear, but rather limit it to a reasonable and useful level.
Some of the following exercises may not make sense to you. However, your subconscious mind isn’t concerned with logic. It will accept any new information that is repeated often enough. It also helps to feel strong, positive emotions during this process.
The first exercise shows you conquering your fear and exhibiting great courage.
The remaining exercises train you to face overcome excessive fear under various situations.
Practice each exercise for at least two weeks before starting the next exercise.
Keep doing each exercise until you have mastered it. You should perform one or more of these exercises daily until you have learned to control excessive fear and replace it with courage sufficient for your needs. This process of retraining your subconscious mind may take a few months.
Visualizing great courage
This exercise helps you develop a new ability. It uses a visualization (described below) to implant a belief in your subconscious mind. The belief is that you can overcome any unreasoning fear that possesses you. After you have fully developed this ability, you should be able to conquer primal fear whenever needed.
A visualization is a guided daydream. You decide what is to happen and then you see it played out inside your mind. As this daydream unfolds, let yourself feel the excitement and power of being able to control your fears and exhibit courage. The repetition of this visualization, along with your intense feelings, helps condition your mind to accept this new ability.
I have created a scene to use for the visualization. You can create your own story if you don’t like this one. First study the written description of the story until you know it. Then close your eyes and go into the visualization. See the actions take place inside your mind. Feel the emotions—let yourself laugh or smile if appropriate. Continue with this visualization for several minutes.
Here is the scene:
You are an old-time doctor (or nurse) hurrying through a jungle to treat a patient. The patient lives in a village on the other side of the jungle. He is very sick and needs your help urgently.
Suddenly a large tiger blocks your path. The tiger growls at you, baring its teeth. At first, you freeze as fear grips your body. Then you remember your duty to the patient. You begin to feel anger at the tiger that is blocking your path. As your anger builds, your fear begins to subside and is replaced by a feeling of courage. Your anger and courage fill your body, forcing you to take action. Therefore, you pick up a large stick from the jungle floor. You swing the stick vigorously, beating the vines on either side of the path. The tiger stands its ground, its tail twitching back and forth.
Now a fiery rage takes control of your body. It grows stronger and stronger. Finally, you lunge at the tiger, screaming loudly. Bewildered, the tiger flinches and runs away. You pause to let your rage slowly die away. Then you let yourself feel deep satisfaction at your ability to face down the great beast.
Repeat this visualization three times a day for two weeks. Then use it once a day until the idea of defeating fear and showing great courage feels normal.
Standing up to ridicule
It is common for members of a social group to ridicule a person who is doing something out of the ordinary. One of the ways that society maintains order and discipline is to impose certain rules of behavior on members of the group. These rules are not always necessary for the good of the group. They are simply established customs. (Also, these rules may not apply to the leaders or other high-ranking people in the group.)
If you feel that this ridicule is unnecessary or wrong, you may choose to go ahead with whatever you are doing to improve your life. The problem then is to stand up to this ridicule.
Here are my recommendations:
Verify that your actions are not harming any one else in your social group.
Do not get angry with the people ridiculing you. They are acting out of their own fears.
Thank them for their advice, but tell them you are acting in your own best interest.
If you have trouble standing up to ridicule, you might want to repeat the
Visualizing great courage exercise.
Use this exercise for at least two weeks. Then continue the exercise until you no longer feel anxious about standing up to unwarranted ridicule.
Facing the unknown
In this exercise, you practice facing the unknown, which is one of the triggers for fear. The idea is to find various things to do, which aren’t dangerous, but which you haven’t done before.
I have thought of some examples to get you started. You may want to try your own ideas. You even may want to get a little more adventurous. However, keep in mind that nothing you try should be dangerous or risky.
Here is the list:
Changing the routine you use to go to bed at night or to get dressed in the morning.
Doing your grocery shopping at a different market.
Getting gasoline from different establishments.
Eating new foods or trying a different restaurant.
Taking up an activity that you have avoided in the past.
Joining new social groups or volunteering for charitable work.
Speaking up more in discussions, if you normally remain silent most of the time.
After performing each new activity let yourself feel the excitement of conquering your fears and displaying your courage.
If you still feel uneasy about facing the unknown, you might want to repeat the Visualizing great courage exercise.
Use this exercise for at least two weeks. Then continue the exercise until you no longer feel anxious about doing everyday things in a new way.
Controlling fear in everyday life
This exercise should help you control excessive or unreasoning fear that you may encounter in everyday life.
However, if there is a real danger, you should either get out of the situation or do something to lessen the danger.
Following are several methods for controlling fear. Use the method or methods that appear most helpful.
Ask yourself, “What is the worst thing that could happen in this situation?” If the answer is, “nothing much,” then let yourself calm down.
If you start to feel uneasy or fearful, admit that you feel afraid and may need to control your fear. If you have time, you might want to repeat the
Visualizing great courage exercise. Or you might want to recall past
situations when you controlled your fear or exhibited courage.
Resolve to meet your fears head-on. Fire up your courage or anger so that your fear subsides. Then confront the situation and deal with it in a calm, thoughtful manner.
If certain situations always evoke fear then create new visualizations that show you conquering your fear and exhibiting courage in those types of situations.
After conquering your fear let yourself feel the excitement and power of your new ability.
Please keep in mind that you normally should avoid any real danger. If you take any risks in life, they should be reasonable. That is, the expected reward should far outweigh any possible adverse consequences. Moreover, any possible adverse consequences should not harm your lifestyle.
Use this exercise for at least two weeks. You might want to make it a permanent part of your everyday activities.
Controlling fear in difficult situations
One of the problems of having excessive fear in difficult situations is that it may cause you to freeze up or not take any corrective action. The corrective action could be to get out of the difficult situation or calmly decide how to deal with it.
For example, if you are walking alone at night and you see possible trouble up ahead, you probably want to go somewhere else to avoid the possible trouble. If you are being held up, you probably should react calmly and do what the crook tells you. Don’t resist unless the crook threatens your life. In other words, don’t simply freeze up and fail to take the appropriate corrective action.
Unlike the preceding exercises, you don’t want to seek out these types of situations to practice controlling your excessive fear. Instead, build up your courage and self-confidence using situations that are not dangerous or risky.
Following are some ways to control your fear and build up your self-confidence: Do more of those things that you haven’t done before. (However, these things should not be dangerous or risky.)
Always act in a courageous manner, even when you don’t feel courageous.
(However, don’t place yourself in a dangerous or risky situation.) Expand your comfort zone by acquiring additional skills, or by engaging in new activities.
Find other methods to safely build up your courage and control your excessive fears. (If needed, you might want to repeat the Visualizing great
courage exercise.)
Practice this exercise for several weeks. You might want to make it a permanent part of your everyday activities.
Final thoughts
As you learn to control excessive fear and exhibit courage, you must be careful not to become careless about your safety. You may feel like Superman or Wonder Woman at times but don’t try to act out this fantasy. This new ability should improve your life, not end it prematurely.
This ability will reinforce the other skills in this ebook and help you achieve personal power.
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Chapter 10: Learn New Skills
The ability to learn new skills may be especially useful if you have lost your job, want to exploit an emerging opportunity, or just need to earn some money in a sideline activity. You also may need to learn new skills before pursuing a goal in a new area.
The following topics reveal how to learn new skills. You do it by studying information about the desired activity, and then putting this information to use.
Alternatively, you could do these two things at the same time.
Here are the topics:
Introduction to strategies
Learning the basic information
Applying your knowledge
Being trained while working
Obtaining any missing information
Final thoughts
This material is based on insights from my subconscious mind, my personal experiences, and related common knowledge.
We seem to be going through hard times lately. Many people are losing their jobs. Many students have trained for an occupation that may no longer be useful.
By being able to learn new skills, you will be in a better position to survive these bad times.
The methods discussed in this chapter take advantage of your natural ability to learn new skills.
From the day you’re born, you begin learning new skills. These skills help you get through the various activities of everyday life. However, after you have begun working in a particular occupation or career, you might become set in your ways.
However, this is just a habit or a choice, you can still learn new skills or even change your livelihood, if needed or desired.
Introduction to strategies
There are two basic strategies for learning new skills.
In the first strategy, you learn the basic knowledge required for a certain skill, and then you apply this knowledge in performing the skill. This basic knowledge may require study ranging from a few weeks up to several years.
In the second strategy, which is known as on-the-job training, you learn by doing.
In this strategy, you will receive bits and pieces of basic knowledge while working at a job.
In addition to the two basic strategies above, there may be a need on occasion to fill in some missing pieces. These missing pieces tell you how to perform some newly required activity. This need may arise because of changing or unusual circumstances.
Learning the basic information
The first step in acquiring a new skill often is learning the basic information.
Following are several ways to accomplish this:
Buy applicable How-To publications
Enroll in a correspondence course
Enroll in a trade school
Get an online college degree
The amount of basic information required for a particular skill depends on the complexity of that skill. However, before learning this basic information, you want to be sure that you will need it. That is, you want to be sure that you are actually going to take up the activity, career, or employment that requires this information.
If this basic information is for a new employment, it is a good idea to speak to prospective employers to see if they will accept the type of training you are planning.
Buy applicable How-To publications
You can learn a great deal of information by studying “How-To” books, magazines, or manuals.
Because of the housing decline and rising unemployment, some young people may have to move back into their parent’s homes. Also, some people may have to take in roommates or boarders. These two factors may require some modifications or improvements to homes. This could be a source of employment or the basis for starting a small business.
You probably can find manuals on various aspects of home improvements at some of the larger building product stores, such as Lowe’s or Home Depot.
Following are some of the subjects covered by these manuals: Bathroom ideas
Concrete work
Electrical wiring
Kitchen ideas
Storage ideas
You may be able to find other books and manuals as a bookstore. You can purchase publications online at the following booksellers:
Barnes & Noble
Enroll in a correspondence course
In a correspondence course, you receive instruction material through the mail and/or online. After studying the information, you complete one or more exams.
After you have completed all the work required for particular course of instruction, you should receive an appropriate diploma or certificate of completion. If you want to use a correspondence course to help you get a job, verify that prospective employers will accept the course.
Correspondence courses may also be referred to as “distance learning.” Following are some typical courses you can study by correspondence: Accountant
Creative writing
Dental assistant
Human resources management
Medical coding & billing
PC repair
Pharmacy technician
Private investigator
Professional locksmithing
Small business owner
Veterinary technician
Web page designer
Following are the names and addresses of some institutions that offer correspondence courses:
Ashworth College
6625 The Corners Parkway, Suite 500
Norcross, Georgia 30092
Telephone: 1-800-957-5412
Courses in more than 50 fields Penn Foster Career School
925 Oak Street, Scranton, PA 18515
Telephone: 1-800-275-4410
Courses in more than 75 categories Stratford Career Institute
1 Champlain Commons, Unit 3
P.O. Box 1560
Saint Albans, VT 05478-5560
Telephone: 1-800-254-4070
Courses in 50 fields Enroll in a trade school
Trade schools can be found in the larger cities. They teach different skills, as determined by the local or regional job market. Many of these schools will also provide a placement service to help you get a job once you have completed your course of training.
The cost of attending a trade school will depend on the time required to complete the course and the amount of equipment and instruction required to teach the course.
Following are typical skills you can learn at these trade schools: Automotive
Heating, Ventilation, & Air Conditioning (HVAC)
You can locate any trade schools in your area by looking in the classified pages of a telephone book under the category “Schools & Instruction—Business & Vocational.”
You also can go to this website for a directory of trade schools in the United States.
Get an online college degree
There are various degrees you can earn online that will qualify you for various jobs or careers. The most common degrees offered are Associate (two-year), Bachelors (four-year), or Masters (five or more years).
You should verify that the degree offered by an online college is officially sanctioned and will be accepted by prospective employers.
Following are typical fields that can be studied in an online degree program: Accounting and finance
Business administration and management
Communication and journalism
Family and consumer sciences
Human resources
Information technology and computers
Legal professions
Mechanic and repair technologies
Medical and health care
Multimedia and design
Natural resources and conservation
Philosophy and religion
Public administration and social services
Recreation and fitness
Sales and marketing
Security and protective services
Visual and performing arts
You also can go to this website for a directory of accredited online colleges in the United States.
Applying your knowledge
After you have learned the basic information for your prospective activity, career, or employment, you need to gain experience using this knowledge. This experience will help you attain competence in your desired field.
The amount of time required to gain this experience depends on the complexity of the prospective activity.
The following subtopics describe various ways to gain this experience.
Expand the scope of your work
If you are currently working in an area related to your desired activity, you might be able to gradually expand your work to include the new activity. Of course, if you are working for an employer, you’ll need permission before using this approach.
One way to implement this method is to list what things you are doing in your present work. Then make a second list of what things you might be doing in your newly desired activity. Then pick out one item from the second list that is closest to what you are presently doing. Start including this second item in your normal activities. After you have mastered this item, pick another item from the second list, and so on. In this way, you can gradually expand your work to include your newly desired activities.
Practice on your own tasks
Under this method, you would work on your own tasks to gain experience. For example, if you want to go into the home remodeling business, you would first remodel your own home.
You might be able to find some family or friends who would be willing to let you practice doing work for them. However, in this case, you should only do the kind of work that you had already done successfully for yourself. Moreover, you probably should charge only a nominal amount for your own labor.
You would want to have as much knowledge and experience as possible from doing things on your own before you tried to perform work for paying customers.
Seek work on a trial basis
You may be able to gain experience by working on jobs for people on a trial basis. However, you need the people to understand that you lack certain experiences. In return, they will only have to pay you if you complete the job to their satisfaction. Of course, you would have to correct all of your mistakes, and you probably would take longer than normal to complete the work.
Using this method, you would want to start with the smallest jobs available, and then gradually work on larger jobs as you gain more experience. At some point, you would be fully qualified and could charge the going rate for your work.
Being trained while working
Another way to receive the basic knowledge required is while working. You would probably work at the easier jobs first, and then as you gain knowledge and experience, you could go on to more advanced jobs.
You would receive a lower rate of pay, at least at first, because you lack of knowledge and experience. In some cases, you may not receive any pay. Instead, you are gaining “compensation” in the form of knowledge and experience.
The following subtopics provide some ideas for getting on-the-job training.
Getting on-the-job training (OJT)
On-the-job training allows you to work while you learn the basic knowledge required for the job. You would probably work at the easier jobs first, and then as you gain knowledge and experience, you could go on to more advanced jobs.
You would receive a lower rate of pay, at least at first, because you lack of knowledge and experience. In some cases, you may not receive any pay; instead, you are gaining “compensation” in the form of knowledge and experience.
The following subtopics provide some ideas for getting on-the-job training.
Become an apprentice
Some occupations have a formal apprenticeship program to develop new members. These programs may be jointly sponsored by both employers and trade unions. Some individual employers or artisans may have their own apprenticeship programs.
The amount of pay, if any, you would receive depends on the type of apprenticeship program. After completing the apprenticeship, you would have the needed skills and experience to qualify for a good paying job. Or perhaps you might want to start your own small business based on your new skills.
In some cases, you may find a business owner who wants to retire in a few years.
This owner may be willing to train you to take over the business. Then you would be expected to pay the former owner a share of the business profits for a certain period.
Get work as an intern
An intern is a person who lacks experience and therefore is paid a lower wage or salary than an experienced worker. However, there may be some union or governmental rules that regulate this practice. So you would want to look into this possibility first.
Where an employer has a practice of hiring interns, there may be some kind of program to help the interns get the kind of training they need. Some employers may even offer regular employment to those interns who’ve done a good job.
Even where an employer does not normally hire interns, you may be able to convince the employer to take you on at a reduced wage or salary. Again, there may be governmental or union rules that must be followed.
Work for free while learning
This method might be used where employers don’t have a formal apprenticeship or intern program. These employers may be willing to provide on-the-job training. However, in exchange, they might expect you to work for free, or for only a nominal compensation.
You should verify that there are no governmental or union rules that prohibit this compensation practice.
Why should you work for free? Well, you will get experience working at a real job. This experience will qualify you for a regular job with a normal wage or salary.
Obtaining any missing information
Even after becoming qualified to perform a particular activity, you still may encounter situations where you won’t know what to do. For these occasions, you need some way of getting the needed information.
It’s been my experience that you will always run into these unexpected or unusual situations.
The following subtopics demonstrate various ways of obtaining this missing information.
Ask for advice from others
Seek out other people with the needed skill or experience and ask them for advice.
You don’t want to take too much of these persons’ time. You just need to be pointed in the right direction or told where to go for more help.
One good source of information is recently retired people. They should have a great deal of knowledge and experience, and have the time available to discuss these matters.
Be sure to show your appreciation for any help you receive.
Copy your past experiences
Think back on those times when you worked on tasks even though you lacked certain information. Make a list of your successful strategies and unsuccessful strategies in acquiring any needed information. Then use the successful strategies and avoid the unsuccessful strategies when trying to obtain this information.
In some cases, you may have to use a trial and error method to find out how to get the job done. Then you will have the experience that can assist you the next time you don’t know what to do.
Search for needed information
As part of learning new skills, you may need to search for specific information from time to time.
There are several ways to perform this research. You can use a search engine on the Internet, a card index in a library, or the reference section of a library.
You may even want to purchase a book or manual that describes how to learn the desired skill. You can purchase publications online at the following booksellers:
Barnes & Noble
Final thoughts
Change appears to be a constant factor in our world today. These changes may render old skills obsolete and create a demand for new skills.
Being able to learn new skills puts you at the head of the pack. Moreover, this is right where you want to be.
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Chapter 11: Overcome Common Obstacles
It sometimes happens that common obstacles can prevent you from starting or completing a task or project. These obstacles can be such things as a lack of needed information, resources, or skills.
The following topics include a group of methods that can be used to help overcome typical obstacles. You overcome obstacles by either getting what is needed or finding a way to go around them. These methods are especially useful for those tasks that challenge your present capabilities.
Here are the topics:
Introduction to methods
Habit of procrastination
Irrational fear
Lack of driving force
Lack of empowering beliefs
Lack of needed information
Lack of needed resources
Lack of needed skills
Final thoughts
This material is based on my breakthrough revelations, insights from my subconscious mind, my personal experiences, and related common knowledge.
I have used all of these methods myself. (I had to; I’m kind of a lazy person.) I believe these methods can overcome most barriers to taking action on your current project.
Regardless of what obstacles you may encounter for a difficult task, these same problems probably have been overcome by other people. Some of these people may have written books, magazine articles, or Internet commentaries.
But even if none of these people has written about their exploits, some of them may be available to discuss their experiences in person.
Another way to overcome obstacles is to enhance your belief system.
Empowering beliefs can give you the drive and self-confidence needed to overcome many of the obstacles that you may encounter.
Introduction to methods
If you want to succeed in life, you need a reliable system for overcoming common obstacles.
The following topics discuss various methods for overcoming obstacles. Some of these methods can help you obtain certain things that you may lack. Other methods can be used to enhance your belief system or change certain habits. Still other methods have an almost magical ability to activate your subconscious mind when you need help.
Since this chapter is meant to summarize various obstacles, some of these topics will refer you to another chapter that explains how to overcome that particular obstacle.
Habit of procrastination
Procrastination means to avoid doing something. This is a deadly habit. I believe it results from a fear of being ridiculed for making mistakes or doing a poor job.
To overcome this problem you need to do two things. First, you need to conquer the fear of being ridiculed. Then you need to overcome the habit itself.
You can use the information in the chapter linked below to help overcome your fear of being ridiculed.
Conquer Irrational Fear
To overcome the habit itself, you need to develop another habit to replace it. An appropriate replacement is the “do it now” habit. This is an action trigger that gets you working immediately on any tasks that come up.
You can use the information on the topic linked below to help instill this new habit.
Developing the Do It Now habit
Irrational fear
Excessive or unreasoning fear is a common obstacle to taking action. A certain amount of fear is needed to protect you from the hazards of life, or to conform to social sensibilities. However, when fear is excessive or unreasoning, it can keep you from doing those things that can improve your life.
The first step to take before trying to overcome this irrational fear is to determine that the task you want to do is worthwhile, and not dangerous or risky. Only after you have made this determination should you proceed with the next step, overcoming the irrational fear.
You can use the information in the chapter linked below to help you overcome this excessive or unreasoning fear.
Conquer Irrational Fear
Lack of driving force
Sometimes you just don’t have enough energy to get going on a big task. This is especially true if you have to work on your regular job, besides trying to complete some task around the house or for a sideline business.
However, you have to keep yourself in good health. Don’t try to take on more than you can handle.
To overcome this obstacle, you can use a method that gives you a burst of energy whenever you need it to start or resume work on a task. This method is discussed in the chapter linked below.
Summon Bursts of Energy
Lack of empowering beliefs
Another obstacle to starting or resuming a difficult task is a lack of empowering
beliefs. These beliefs are such things as self-confidence and a “take charge”
attitude. Lacking these beliefs, you may feel inadequate—that you can’t meet the challenge. To overcome this problem you need to develop empowering beliefs.
These empowering beliefs normally result from a series of achievements.
However, you also can implant these beliefs directly into your subconscious mind. In this way, you can remove the obstacle that keeps you from even trying to take on a difficult task.
Then you can go through a period of trial and error to develop the experience and skills needed to successfully complete difficult tasks. You should start with easier tasks and gradually build up to tasks that are more difficult. Your success with the easier tasks will prepare you for the more difficult tasks.
The chapter linked below gives information on implanting new beliefs directly into your subconscious mind.
Develop Empowering Beliefs
Lack of needed information
Sometimes you lack certain information needed to start or complete a task. There are various methods of obtaining needed information.
The Internet provides a boundless source of information on various topics. To search for this information, you put some appropriate keywords into a search engine, and then you go to the web pages that appear promising. In this way, you can often find what you need.
Following is a list of popular search engines:
Another method of finding information is to seek out people with appropriate experience or knowledge. If you have an easy question, they might tell you what you need. For a more difficult question, they might tell you where to find the information.
Public libraries can be another vast source of information. If they have a reference section, you might be able to find the information there. Another way would be to look in the card catalog under appropriate keywords. You might have to ask a librarian to help with your search.
Lack of needed resources
Another barrier to starting work on a task is the lack of cash or other resources.
One solution to this problem is to use bootstrap methods to reduce or eliminate the need for cash.
There are two types of bootstrap methods. In one type, you do the work yourself instead of paying someone else to do it. In another type, you use low-cost or no-cost ways to acquire needed equipment or other resources.
The chapter linked below gives information on bootstrap methods.
Bootstrap Methods
Lack of needed skills
Before taking on a difficult task or goal, you may need to acquire new skills. This presumes that you will be doing most of the work yourself. In other words, you don’t have the cash needed to hire the work done, and you don’t have any
“helpers” that could do the work for you.
Normally you shouldn’t try to acquire skills that are far above your present abilities. The idea is to increase your skills gradually. If you try to jump too high, you may only waste your time and get disappointed.
The chapter linked below provides many methods you can use to acquire new skills.
Learn New Skills
Final thoughts
In this chapter, I have described various ways to overcome common obstacles.
The first thing to keep in mind is that many obstacles already have been overcome by someone, somewhere. Therefore, don’t get discouraged just because you can’t see how to get the job done.
After you have gained the experiences and skills needed to overcome most obstacles, you have made yourself into a very valuable person. Every employer is looking for people who can get the tough jobs done. Also, if you want to start your own business, these same experiences and skills will be invaluable.
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Chapter 12: Bootstrap Methods
Some projects or goals may require money to perform them. A prime example is starting and running a small business. The bootstrap methods in this chapter include various ideas for reducing the amount of cash needed for a project. They are mainly concerned with beginning a small business. However, these ideas may help you in other areas.
The following topics describe ways to save money when planning an expensive project.
Here are the topics:
Adopting the bootstrapping attitude
Deferring certain costs and expenses
Replacing cash with sweat equity
Saving money on equipment and supplies
Saving money on job materials
Sharing the profits
Working out of your home
Final thoughts
This material is based on insights from my subconscious mind, my personal experiences, and related common knowledge.
This chapter was taken from my materials on starting a small business. However, these money-saving ideas are another way to overcome common obstacles. That’s why I included these ideas in this ebook.
Adopting the bootstrapping attitude
Adopt the bootstrapper attitude. Maximize revenue, and cut costs and expenses to the ABSOLUTE MINIMUM.
Choose a business idea that you can start on a shoestring.
You need a relentless drive for revenue. Be willing to adapt your product to what customers want and are willing to pay for.
Need to collect cash for your product as soon as you deliver it to the customer.
Don’t let customers buy on credit. However, you want to receive credit from your suppliers.
Don’t even consider having your business provide you with a lavish lifestyle.
Make the business into a success first. Then you can gradually enjoy the benefits of your accomplishment.
Deferring certain costs and expenses
There are certain costs and expenses that must be paid before you start business operations. Examples might be a business license and an insurance premium.
However, many other costs and expenses can be deferred until your business is operating at a cash profit. Here are some examples of the items you can put off for a while:
Getting a business telephone
Buying a new computer
Setting up a fancy home office
Purchasing materials for future jobs
Purchasing equipment you won’t need right away
Buying a new vehicle to be used in the business
Paying yourself and your family for working in the business Paying for a big advertising campaign
Incurring other expenses in anticipation of future sales
Replacing cash with sweat equity
This refers to your sweat, because you will be doing the work instead of paying someone else to do it. Keep in mind that doing the work yourself may take longer. You want to limit this method to those tasks you can complete with the required level of quality.
You may have to develop new skills before being able to use sweat equity to save cash. Use the Learn New Skills chapter. It has a system for improving your skills.
Saving money on equipment and supplies
You can save money on any equipment items needed by either borrowing or renting them instead of having to buy them. This especially applies where you don’t need a particular item very often. If you do have to buy any item, then you might be able to buy used, but fully operational, equipment.
Another way to save money is to buy equipment or supplies at a deep discount by attending yard sales, estate sales, or going out of business auctions. You might also want to visit discount stores, secondhand stores, or salvage yards. Another good source might be unfinished furniture stores.
You also may be able to use inexpensive tools or equipment, at first, instead of expensive ones. You only need the tools or equipment to last until your business is making money. Then you can afford to buy better tools and equipment.
Here’s another idea, see if you can buy tools or equipment on credit. You will have to pay some interest expense. However, reducing your startup costs would probably make this idea worthwhile.
Saving money on job materials
Another way to save money is to have the customer buy any expensive materials needed for a job. When the job was finished, then the customer would pay you only for your labor and any small expenses.
This both saves money and reduces risk. The risk is paying for the materials yourself and then having the customer either cancel the job or take a long time to pay you.
Sharing the profits
You might consider having a silent partner. This is someone who won’t be involved with running the business, but will share in any profits. This person might have a piece of expensive equipment or a sum of cash to be used by the business. After you are paid for completing a job, you would give a share of the cash profits to this person.
This would be someone who knows you and is confident in your abilities to run the business. Your agreement with this person might provide that after paying a certain amount there will be no more payments. From that point on, you would get all the cash profits from your business.
Working out of your home
A good way for you to save money is to work out of your own home, instead of renting an office or shop.
However, you need to observe any zoning restrictions. Moreover, you don’t want to irritate your neighbors by having a flood of customers visit your home, making a lot of noise, or storing materials in public view.
If your home office isn’t suitable for meeting with customers, you could always visit them at their home or at some public meeting area.
Final thoughts
I hope you have enjoyed these ideas on how to start a home business on a shoestring. If you are serious about having your own business, you need to get going now. Don’t keep waiting for some miracle to happen. In the business world, you create your own miracles.
One of the key concepts to bring away from this chapter is to never settle for the obvious. There are many ways of getting around a need for cash. You just have to think outside the box as they say.
Use your money wisely and be careful about going into debt. Good luck with your business venture.
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Chapter 13: Prepare a Work Plan
A work plan summarizes the various requirements and activities needed to complete a task in a timely and efficient manner. It is especially helpful for a new or difficult task where no instructions are available.
The following topics show you how to prepare a useful work plan. You do this by determining the desired results and finding the best way to get these results accomplished. Then you organize this information in a logical sequence.
Here are the topics:
Introduction to procedures
Deciding how to proceed
Perform any preliminary research needed
Deciding how to write the plan
Listing the task requirements
Listing any advance preparations needed
Listing all activities for the main task
Listing the final activities
Final thoughts
This material is based on insights from my subconscious mind, my personal experiences, and related common knowledge.
The following chapter shows how a simple work plan might appear:
Example of a Simple Work Plan
Note: A more complicated work plan would have more categories and many more action steps.
Making big improvements in your life usually entails working on new or complicated tasks on occasion. These tasks could pertain to a project at work, a personal goal, or even a small business startup. Usually a small amount of time spent planning can save a great deal of time, and even expense, in getting the work done.
There is a certain magic in writing down your plans for a task. As long as a plan exists only in your mind, you tend to see only the big picture. However, when you have to write down the detailed steps, then you can discover what is missing.
Many people have trouble starting or completing a large or poorly defined task.
By having a written plan, the requirements of a task become more specific and attainable. This helps reduce wasted time and effort, and improve the chances of completing the work successfully.
Introduction to procedures
These procedures consist of two phases. During the first phase, you make some decisions and, perhaps, perform some preliminary research. During the second phase, you prepare the actual work plan.
Some complicated tasks should be broken up into several smaller tasks. Each such smaller task then might require its own work plan. An example is a task that has a series of processes, with different activities, for each process.
In some cases, the attempted or actual preparation of a work plan reveals that the task is beyond your present capabilities. If so, you might choose an easier task, or wait until you have increased your skills and/or resources. Where the task pertains to a project at work, you should consult with your supervisor or employer on how to proceed.
A work plan contains the following four parts:
1. Task requirements
2. Any advance preparations needed
3. All activities for the main task
4. Final activities
The topics below explain how to develop a work plan. These procedures should be used in sequence, unless indicated otherwise.
Deciding how to proceed
This procedure consists of two decisions you need to make before getting ready to prepare a work plan.
Is a work plan needed?
One of the time saving rules I advocate is to eliminate needless tasks. Since it takes a certain amount of time and effort to create a work plan, you should be sure it’s really needed.
If any of the following considerations apply, then a work plan probably is needed: You don’t have any experience with this type of task, and there are no existing instructions to show you how to do it.
The task is complicated and/or time consuming.
It is very important that the task be completed without making any big mistakes.
The work plan you prepare will be used on the same type of tasks in the future.
If a work plan is not needed, you may wish to just start working on the task.
However, I would recommend that you first briefly scan through all remaining topics. You then at least will have some ideas that may be useful while performing the task.
If a plan is needed, continue on.
Is any preliminary research needed?
Sometimes you need to gather some background information before continuing.
If you have any of the following questions, then some preliminary research probably is needed:
What are the requirements, restrictions, and desired results that apply to this task?
What preparations are needed before starting on the main task?
Are there any guidelines, instructions, or other useful information available to show how to do this task?
What equipment, materials, supplies, and other resources are required to complete the task?
Are there any reliable shortcuts that could make the task go faster?
Where can I go for advice if I need help to complete the task?
If the preliminary research is not needed, then go to this topic.
If research is needed, continue on to the following topic.
Perform any preliminary research needed
The purpose of this procedure is to expand your basic knowledge of the task and to find answers to any questions you may have.
Also, you may want to find the best way to accomplish the task. This usually applies when the task is complicated or new to you.
Write down any questions you have. You may have discovered these questions in the previous topic.
Now you need to find the answers to your questions. If the work plan is required for your job, you should try to get these answers from your supervisor. You might talk to knowledgeable people, such as business people you know. You might do some research on the Internet.
As you find the answers, write them down.
Deciding how to write the plan
By this point, you have decided to prepare a work plan, and have completed any needed preliminary research. Now you will make two more decisions before starting to write the plan.
How much detail should the plan contain?
The amount of detail needed depends on the circumstances. The general rule about preparing work plans is to limit their preparation time and effort to a small portion of that required to perform the task itself. If it would take longer to prepare a plan than to do the task, you usually don’t need a plan.
If you are familiar with the task, you may not need to describe the action steps for each activity in the plan. It may be enough merely to provide a title and the desired result for most activities.
However, a plan for an inexperienced person, a new activity, or a complicated undertaking probably should include descriptions of the action steps for all or most activities.
What medium should be used to prepare the plan?
Since a work plan may have to be prepared in bits and pieces, you should use a flexible medium to record it. If you have access to a computer then either a word processing program or spreadsheet program could be used.
If you aren’t going to use a computer, you could use index cards or pieces of writing paper. These cards or pieces of paper should be about one-fifth to one-half the size of a sheet of paper, depending on the amount of details needed. Each item or activity for the work plan should appear on a separate card or piece of paper.
Listing the task requirements
This procedure records the first part of the work plan. These requirements should include everything that the task must accomplish and comply with, including the desired results.
It might seem a waste of time to have these written requirements when the objective of a particular task appears obvious.
However, one of the uses of these written requirements is to avoid wasting effort and resources on actions that produce no useful results. (Some people may have a habit of doing things a certain way even when the needs of a task change.) You may want to include some of the following items in your list of task requirements.
Overview of the task
Briefly describe the purpose of the task and the steps used to complete it.
Why the task is needed
Who benefits from the task? Is there some easier way to get the same benefit?
Who will perform the task?
Names or positions of people who will perform the task. Names or positions of any supervisors.
Resources needed
List the equipment, information, materials, supplies, and tools that will be needed to perform the task.
These are things you can’t do while performing the task. Thus if the task is to apply new siding on a house, the customer may require you to not start working before a certain time of day.
Desired results
This describes what the task should accomplish. It should be as specific as possible, since the desired results of a task are very important.
Quality standards
Quality generally refers to whether expensive or inexpensive materials should be used on a task, and how carefully the task should be accomplished. The general rule, unless specified otherwise, is to use the type of materials and the degree of care as is customary for similar tasks.
Quite often, a task needs to be completed by a specified time and/or date. In some cases, portions of a task may have their own deadlines.
Coordinating with other tasks
Some tasks affect, or are affected by, one or more other tasks. These interactions with other tasks should be spelled out to avoid any problems.
Other requirements
This is a miscellaneous item for any other considerations that effect how the task is performed.
Listing any advance preparations needed
This is the second part of the work plan. Write down any preliminary activities that should be done before starting the main task. These activities help insure that the task will be performed efficiently and the desired results will be obtained.
You may want to include some of the following items in your list of preliminary activities.
Performing any research needed
This research is in addition to any preliminary research that was needed to understand the task or prepare the work plan. This type of research is part of the task itself.
Obtaining approvals and/or permissions
These are things needed from various people, organizations, or governments in order to proceed with the task. An example is getting a building permit before constructing an addition to a house.
Obtaining guidelines and/or instructions
You may be able to find or purchase guidelines and/or instructions that can help minimize problems, or save time and expense in performing the task.
Obtaining equipment, materials, supplies, and tools
This item should specify any equipment, materials, supplies, and tools needed for the task. It should also specify where these things are located or can be purchased.
Obtaining other resources
This item should specify any other resources needed for the task. It should also show where they are located or can be purchased.
Making a go or no-go decision
This item is optional. It can be used to describe conditions that would prevent you from proceeding with the main task. An example is that some vital information or materials cannot be obtained.
Listing all activities for the main task
This procedure is used to create the third part of the work plan. It is concerned with determining and describing the various activities of the main task, and deciding how they should be sequenced.
Since these activities and their sequence are subject to change, they should be recorded in a manner that will allow for these possible changes.
The main task is where most of the detailed work will be done to achieve the desired results of the task. This work usually consists of various activities, such as the following:
Making decisions
Recording information
Performing creative activities
Performing physical activities
The main task often includes some special activities that should be shown as separate items in the task specifications. If you are preparing a detailed work plan, you should describe any special activities, such as the following.
Repetitive operations
These activities are repeated until the main task is completed. The plan should specify how to tell when these activities should stop.
Sequence of steps
These activities must occur in a particular sequence until the main task is completed. Following is an example for constructing an addition to a house (this list ignores any daily cleaning and the required inspections): 1. Excavating for the foundation and crawl space
2. Assembling forms for the foundation
3. Pouring the concrete foundation
4. Framing the wooden structure
5. Applying the exterior wall and roof sheathing
6. Installing windows
7. Applying exterior siding and shingles
8. Installing plumbing lines
9. Installing electrical wiring
10. Hanging sheetrock on ceilings and walls
11. Taping and painting the sheetrock ceilings and walls
12. Installing bathroom cabinets and accessories
13. Installing finish plumbing and electrical fixtures
14. Installing interior doors and trim
15. Laying carpets and vinyl flooring
16. Doing any touchup painting and the final cleanup
Checking results as you go
It usually is a good idea to check on the results from time to time as the main task is in process. This item might specify what results are acceptable and which results are not acceptable.
Resolving mistakes and problems
This item might describe how to correct results that are not acceptable. It can also specify the procedure to be followed when problems arise.
Finishing the list
After completing this list of activities, review it carefully and make any needed changes. For a detailed work plan, this list should include every item needed to complete the main task.
You might want to set the list aside for a day or two before the final review. This will give your subconscious mind time to mull over what you have done. Then it might pop some missing items into your conscious mind.
After the list has been reviewed and accepted, the activities should be arranged in the best sequence for doing the main task. Now you can perform the next step.
Listing the final activities
This procedure produces the fourth and final part of the work plan. Write down any final activities that must be carried out after the main task has been completed. These final activities help insure that the task has satisfied the desired results specified for it.
Following are a couple of typical final activities:
Checking on final results
After the main task has been completed, there should be a final inspection to insure that the desired results for the task have been attained. If these results have not been attained then it must be decided whether to accept the impaired results or try to correct them. This item probably should specify the minimum results that are acceptable.
Adjustments needed
If the final results are not acceptable, this item should specify the methods to be used in making the needed adjustments or corrections.
Final thoughts
My experience with work plans is that they usually need to be changed before the task gets finished. Don’t be concerned about preparing a “perfect” plan. A plan isn’t a work of art. It’s just a tool to help you get the job done without making too many false moves or forgetting some requirements or restrictions.
It’s probably a good idea to prepare some small work plans before trying to prepare a plan for a large or difficult task.
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Chapter 14: Example of a
Simple Work Plan
This chapter has an example of a simple work plan. The plan is concerned with learning Spanish. This task probably doesn’t need a work plan. However, this example shows how the work plan for a simple task might appear.
The following topics show the four parts of a work plan and how these parts might be described for a simple project.
Here are the topics:
Task requirements
Advance preparations
Main task
Final activities
This material is based on insights from my subconscious mind, my personal experiences, and related common knowledge.
The following work plan shows what should be done to complete a particular task. However, it does not show how to prepare the work plan itself. That procedure is described in the previous chapter.
Note that the work plan starts with the most important element—the task requirements.
Task requirements
Why the task is needed
I plan to spend several months traveling around Mexico. I would like to understand Spanish well enough not to require a personal guide or travel group. I want to get off the “beaten path” on occasion, and don’t want to feel helpless.
Desired result
I want to understand Spanish well enough to read signs, order from menus, and engage in casual conversations.
Advance preparations
Researching providers
Desired result is a list of providers of Spanish courses. I also need the cost and description of these courses.
Action steps:
1. Search the Internet for providers of Spanish courses.
2. Copy the following information from these provider websites: contact information, cost, and course descriptions.
Purchasing the course
Desired result is to purchase a suitable course for learning to read and speak Spanish.
Action steps:
1. Decide which provider appears to offer the best Spanish course based on cost and course description.
2. Purchase the Spanish course from the selected provider.
Main task
Learning Spanish
Desired result is to be able to read and speak everyday Spanish.
Action step:
1. Study the course until I am able to read and speak everyday Spanish.
Final activities
Verifying results
Desired result is to verify that I am able to read and speak everyday Spanish.
Action steps:
1. Watch Spanish language programs and movies on television.
2. Determine if I can understand these programs and movies and speak the lines.
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Chapter 15: Apply Action Triggers
Sometimes, you just don’t feel like doing what needs to be done. By using an action trigger, you usually can overcome this temporary problem. After learning how to use an action trigger, you will be better able to take action whenever needed.
The following topics describe various action triggers to help get going on a task.
Here are the topics:
Introduction to methods
Developing the Do It Now habit
Developing the need for achievement
Rewarding yourself for taking action
Using a burst of energy
Using visualizations
Final thoughts
This material is based on my breakthrough revelations, insights from my subconscious mind, my personal experiences, and related common knowledge.
I have used all these methods myself. I find them especially useful since I tend to be lazy at times. I began assembling these various methods after I received a burst of energy from the universe. It was quite a welcome surprise. Since then, I started using visualizations and the other methods.
There is a natural tendency in humans to keep going for several hours once they have started work on a task. However, on some tasks or occasions, the trick is to get started in the first place.
The action triggers described in this chapter give you that push to get started.
After learning one or more of these action triggers, you will be able to tackle those new or difficult tasks that can bring you success in life.
Introduction to methods
The following methods use different strategies to provide the push needed to get you started on a task. I recommend that you review all five methods and then choose the one or two that suit you.
Some action triggers are attitudes or habits that must be learned. Other action triggers are a series of steps that must be followed. One action trigger is simply a reward that you give yourself.
However, it is up to you to determine that the action you are considering is in your best interest and does not pose any unwanted risks or dangers.
Developing the Do It Now habit
Useful habits can increase your effectiveness immensely. One of the best traits to develop is the “do it now” habit. This can get you started on a task even when you don’t feel like working.
Here is how you develop the habit. Let’s say you have a task that needs doings, but you don’t feel like starting on it. Say the command Do It Now! Then immediately start working on the task.
You probably should start with small, everyday tasks. After you have developed this habit using easy tasks, you can gradually increase the difficulty of these tasks. But remember, after giving the do it now command, you must always carry through with immediate action.
As you develop this habit of immediate action, you probably will discover that many tasks are not as difficult or unpleasant as you had assumed. Moreover, you will develop a feeling of growing power.
Note: W. Clement Stone, who started from scratch and built an insurance empire worth hundreds of millions dollars, would make all his employees recite the phrase, “Do It Now” several times at the start of every workday.
Developing the need for achievement
I believe that many successful people have a psychological need for achievement.
Thus, their self-image and self-confidence demand that they continue to excel in their life. They seem to need a series of achievements to validate their existence.
They likely see themselves as exceptional people who always get results. It then becomes a matter of extreme pride for them to reach higher and higher levels of achievements.
This need for achievement can be a very strong incentive for taking action on worthwhile tasks. This method works best for people who already take a special pride in some aspect of their lives.
Here is how you develop this need. At the end of every day, review all the times you started or resumed work on a task. Allow yourself to feel pride and a sense of achievement for these victories. Consider how much more you can accomplish if you keep taking action on worthwhile tasks. Start thinking of yourself as an achiever.
As you keep taking actions on difficult or unpleasant tasks, you will begin building your self-confidence and developing a “can do” self-image.
Rewarding yourself for taking action
It’s often a good motivator to reward yourself for taking action on a task. The size of the reward should depend on how difficult or unpleasant the task appears.
Here is how it works. If you have trouble starting or resuming a particular task, stop for a minute. Decide what kind of reward to give yourself for taking action.
Then immediately start working on the task.
At the end of the day, give yourself any rewards you have earned. You need to make these rewards very special. They should give you a pleasure that you can’t get elsewhere. They are, after all, a symbol of your ability to control your own destiny.
Using a burst of energy
Sometimes you don’t have the ambition or energy to start or resume work on a task. Maybe you just feel lazy or out of sorts. This method will give you a burst of energy on demand. After receiving this jolt of power, you should be able to tear into the task at hand.
However, this method should only be used on tasks that are doable with your present skills and resources.
Study the Summon Bursts of Energy chapter to develop this ability.
Using visualizations
In this method, you give yourself the belief that you are a person of action—that you enjoy starting and working on all worthwhile tasks at hand.
One of the best ways to develop new beliefs is doing repeated visualizations.
This visualization (described below) implants a new belief in your mind. The belief is that you are a person of action, and this trait brings you great satisfaction.
A visualization is a guided daydream. You decide what is to happen and then you see it played out inside your mind. As this daydream unfolds, allow yourself to feel the excitement and pleasure of taking action on various tasks you encounter.
The repetition of this visualization, along with your intense feelings, helps condition your mind to accept this new belief.
You first need to create scenes to use for the visualization. These scenes should show you as a “can do” person. This is a person that enjoys starting and working on all worthwhile tasks at hand. The more details and intense feelings you can think of the better.
You can either write these scenes down or just remember them.
Now close your eyes and go into the visualization. See the actions, feel the emotions. Let yourself laugh or smile if appropriate. Continue with this visualization for several minutes.
This exercise should help you to keep develop this new trait. Repeat this visualization three times a day for two weeks. Then use it once a day until the idea of being a person of action feels normal.
You also can use this exercise whenever you need to reinforce this belief.
Final thoughts
There is nothing as powerful as the ability to take action on worthwhile tasks or goals. You might notice that some people are talkers, while others are doers. The doers are the ones that can take action and get things done.
After learning some of these action triggers, you can be a doer!
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Chapter 16: Use Time Saving Tips
One of the most persistent obstacles to personal achievement is that old bugaboo,
“I never have enough time.” These tips show how to use your time more effectively.
The following topics provide various tips that can save you a lot of wasted time.
Decide which ones you want to use and then put them into action.
Here are the topics:
Introduction to methods
Avoid or minimize interruptions
Break the habit of perfectionism
Complete all required preparations first
Complete those small, nagging tasks
Delegate certain tasks
Divide big jobs into smaller pieces
Eliminate unneeded tasks
Emphasize the most important tasks
Finish one task before starting the next
Know when to get help or stop working
Know your final objective
Organize your workplace
Prepare a work plan
Use standardized forms and procedures
Use to-do lists and deadlines
Final thoughts
This material is based on insights from my subconscious mind, my personal experiences, and related common knowledge.
I have used all of these time saving tips at one time or another. I recommend that you pick out two or three of the best ideas and develop them into a habit. Later on, you can choose some other ideas to make into a habit.
During your life, you have developed many habits. These habits control or influence the way you do things. They limit your choices and thereby remove a great deal of uncertainty from your life. This makes it easier for your mind to deal with the outside world. Your mind gets overwhelmed when it faces too many choices or too much uncertainty.
However, your existing habits may keep you from doing things more efficiently.
To help solve this problem I have gathered an assortment of tips on how to save time at work. These tips are one of the best ways to improve your life. They cost little or nothing. They don’t involve much risk. Moreover, anyone can use these tips. So if you want to do a better job at work, but don’t know how, start by learning and using these time saving methods.
Introduction to methods
Everyone has the same amount of hours in a day. However, either this time can be used to get results or it can be wasted.
This chapter provides you with numerous time saving methods. It is up to you to review these methods and adopt the ones that seem useful. Then as you use these new methods, you will gradually develop new habits that make better use of your time.
These methods may apply both to your employment and to your personal endeavors. However, be sure to get your employer’s or supervisor’s approval before using these ideas on the job.
The time saving methods described in this chapter are easy to understand and put to use. However, you must use them on a daily basis and develop them into a habit to get the most benefit from them.
The following methods use different ways to save time. You’ll save the most time by using every appropriate method.
Avoid or minimize interruptions
Some days you might not get much done because of constant interruptions. If this happens often, you might need to control these interruptions, if possible.
Try to have some “quiet” periods when you can work on your most important tasks. Maybe you could put up a sign to discourage interruptions. It could say something like, “Quiet please, genius at work.”
Also, you could schedule some “busy” periods for work that isn’t so critical.
During these times, you would be available to discuss things and handle other interruptions.
Besides restricting interruptions to busy periods, you might want to eliminate some types of interruptions altogether. What is the reason for these interruptions?
Maybe you have a habit of being available for intrusions. (Perhaps you shouldn’t be so inviting.)
Break the habit of perfectionism
Perfectionism means to keep working on a task longer than needed. This habit can waste a great deal of time. I believe it results from an excessive fear of being ridiculed for making mistakes or doing a poor job. Thus, you tend to keep working on a task until it is so perfect that no one could possibly criticize it.
However, this usually is a poor use of your valuable time.
To overcome this problem you need to do two things. First, you need to conquer the fear of being ridiculed. Then you need to overcome the habit itself.
You can use the information in the Conquer Irrational Fear chapter to help overcome your fear of ridicule.
You can eliminate the habit itself by first determining what level of quality is sufficient for a particular task. Then you can stop work on that task when the desired quality is attained.
Complete all required preparations first
Sometimes when you have a new project, you just want to jump in and start doing things. This may make you feel better, but it isn’t always the best way to get the job done.
Often, some time spent in advance preparations will prevent you from wasting a greater amount of time later on. It’s not enough just to get something done. It has to be the right something, and it has to be done without wasting a lot of effort or resources.
Here’s a brief list of things that may need to be done before starting work on the main task:
Know your final objective
Determine any restrictions or requirements that must be followed while performing the task
Determine if you need any special training
Perform any research needed on how best to get the work done Prepare a work plan (when appropriate) Get all required instructions, authorizations, and permissions Schedule any work required from others
Gather all needed materials, tools, and supplies
Complete those small, nagging tasks
Have you ever had some small tasks than need doing but you keep putting them off? Sometimes you waste more time worrying about them than it would take to finish them.
There are two ways to handle this problem. If an unfinished task could have adverse consequences, then do it as soon as possible. (At least do it the next time you think about it.) Those other unfinished tasks can be grouped together on your to-do list and worked on whenever you have the time.
You were told to order some supplies for your current project. But you kept putting it off. Then one day it happens, you need the supplies but they haven’t been ordered. You are chewed out for holding up an important project. See, you should have ordered the supplies the same day you were told to do it.
Delegate certain tasks
When appropriate, one of the best ways to save your time is to have someone else do the work. Delegating certain tasks may be worthwhile when it produces timely results, of the required level of quality.
It may be appropriate to delegate certain tasks when all of the following items apply:
You have one or more helpers who can be trained to do those tasks.
These helpers have the information and skills needed to perform the tasks.
Although these helpers may not be able to perform these tasks as well as you can, they can do them adequately provided they have proper coaching and/or supervision.
The delegation results in an overall saving of time and/or money.
If you are working for an employer, the delegation must have your employer’s or supervisor’s approval.
Some tasks might be beyond the abilities of you and any helpers. If these tasks are essential, you may have to pay a qualified outside person to do them. For example, you may have to hire an accounting firm to keep books and prepare tax returns for your business venture.
Divide big jobs into smaller pieces
Large jobs present several problems. They can be so daunting that you keep avoiding them. If you only work on them occasionally, you waste time by having to “get up to speed” every time you start working on them. Moreover, if you work on a single job for a long period you may have to forego or delay other jobs that should be done.
Before starting a large job, you probably can save time by planning how to break it into smaller pieces. These smaller pieces are much less daunting and allow you more flexibility in planning your time.
Eliminate unneeded tasks
Another waste of time is working on tasks that don’t need to be done. Sometimes we keep doing things just because that’s how it was done in the past.
So how do you identify tasks that aren’t needed? First, you review all the things you do and question whether some things might not be needed. Then you stop doing a questionable task. If the stoppage has no adverse effect then you can eliminate this task in the future.
Of course, if you’re working for an employer, you need to do whatever is required for your job.
Emphasize the most important tasks
Your valuable time and effort is best used on the most important tasks. Important (or high-value) tasks are those that are essential for the success of your endeavors.
They also could be tasks, such as planning or review, that have to be done before other tasks can be started or completed.
One way to emphasize the most important tasks is to assign an hourly “wage” to various tasks. The high-value tasks get the highest wages; the low-value tasks get the lowest wages. Then you would try to maximize your daily “wages” by working mostly on the high-value tasks—the ones with the highest hourly wage.
One problem is that these high-value tasks can be difficult to perform. The solution is to pick out one high-value task at a time and learn how to do it. Then learn how to do another high-value task, and so on.
You also may need to do routine tasks. However, you normally should give preference to the most important tasks.
Finish one task before starting the next
(Note: this method assumes that you have divided all big jobs into smaller pieces, as shown under divide big jobs into smaller pieces in this chapter. Then a “task” could refer to a smaller piece of a large job.)
The problem with jumping from one uncompleted task to another task is that you’re wasting time on “getting up to speed” on each new task. Also, you might get confused by having to handle several partially completed tasks at the same time.
Keep tasks small enough so you can finish one before having to go on to another.
This does not mean that you should never interrupt a task. (Sometimes emergencies dictate your actions.) However, try to minimize any task interruptions.
Know when to get help or stop working
Sometimes you may run into a problem with a particular task. Perhaps you lack needed information or skills. Maybe you just aren’t suited for doing that kind of task.
Instead of wasting time on a problem you can’t solve maybe you should get help or stop working on the task. Then you can find out how to resolve the problem.
It’s usually not a good idea to keep working away without getting results.
Know your final objective
One of the biggest time wasters is to get something done and then discover that it isn’t what you (or someone else) wanted.
Before you start working on a new project be sure you know all the requirements.
It may even be a good idea to write them down. Here are some questions that may help you determine all the requirements.
What is the desired result?
How can I determine when this result has been achieved?
How can I measure my progress?
What is the minimum quality level required?
Is there a budget, time limit, or any other restriction?
Are there any other requirements?
Once you know your final objective and its detailed requirements, you may want to prepare a work plan as described below.
Organize your workplace
No matter what kind of workplace you have, whether an office, shop, construction site, or whatever, there usually are some tools and supplies that you use. You may even use some instructions, plans, or reference manuals. The more things you use the more important it is to organize them so they are readily available.
There is an old saying that applies here, “A place for everything and everything in its place.”
Here is one way to implement this concept:
First, you may want to remove those things that you hardly ever use.
Then you should decide how to store things so what you use most often is kept in the handiest locations.
Next, you may need to acquire some storage devices.
Finally, you should put things in their designated storage areas.
Once everything is organized, you can quickly learn where to look when you need something.
The alternative is to just leave things scattered around, and then have to waste time searching for them when they’re needed.
Prepare a work plan
When appropriate, a work plan can be a great time saver. It summarizes the task requirements, any advance preparations, activities of main task, and final activities. It also can list deadlines and other considerations for a satisfactory job.
A work plan is especially desirable for new or elaborate projects. Usually a small amount of time spent planning can save a great deal of time, and even expense, in getting the work done.
When preparing a work plan for a new or complicated project you may need assistance from experienced people. You also should see if a work plan or some other instructions already exist for this project.
See also: The Prepare a Work Plan chapter.
Use standardized forms and procedures
This method applies if you have repetitive tasks that require detailed information or procedures. Often it takes extra time to find the best way to do this kind of task. There may be a trial and error process the first few times you do the task.
Once you have uncovered the secrets for a certain kind of task you can set up a
“cheat sheet.” This is a form or set of instructions that shows you how to do that same task in the future. It should include all the insights and shortcuts you have discovered.
If you are working for an employer there already may be standard forms or procedures that you can use. However, in any case you have to follow the employer’s instructions for doing your job.
Use to-do lists and deadlines
To-do lists remind you of what has to be done. They can also include the deadlines and relative importance of various tasks.
Deadlines give you a “kick in the pants” that help you get going. By deadlines, I mean both a starting date and the desired completion date. These deadlines are especially useful when dividing large jobs into smaller pieces. You can set deadlines for each one of the smaller pieces.
Some tasks have lag times. You may have to wait for something else to be done before being able to finish the task. In this case, the starting date should be early enough to allow for the expected lag times. You also could use a separate deadline to monitor the work being done by someone else.
Final thoughts
Time is one of the most precious resources you have in this life. These methods should help you use your time to the best advantage. However, like everything else, you have to make them into a habit to get the maximum benefit.
These time saving methods will enhance the value of all the other methods and skills you can learn from this ebook.
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Chapter 17: Monitor Your Results
The results of a task refer to what specific things are accomplished. You also have to satisfy all the requirements and restrictions for the task. These desired results should be spelled out before starting the task. Then you can compare the desired results for the task against the actual results.
The following topics provide methods to monitor the results of a task and to make any needed corrections.
Here are the topics:
Introduction to procedures
Defining the task requirements
Checking results as you go
Checking final results at completion
Making any needed corrections
Final thoughts
This material is based on insights from my subconscious mind, my personal experiences, and related common knowledge.
Some projects you work on can be changed at almost any point. An example is this ebook. Other projects, such as building a house, need to be monitored as you go. Thus, if you forget to get a building permit before starting construction, you may be in big trouble.
There is no point in doing a task if it doesn’t provide the desired results. This applies especially to important or difficult tasks. By following a reliable system of determining task requirements, checking on results, and correcting any errors, you’ll be better able to complete tasks successfully.
There is an old saying, “It’s easier to get it right the first time than to have to go back and fix it.” These guidelines should help you get it right the first time.
The secret to performing work properly is to decide ahead of time what it means to get it right. Then while you do the work, and after it is finished, you will know how to verify that it was done correctly.
The methods that let you develop this ability, for various circumstances, are described under the procedures below.
The important point here is to determine the desired results for a task. Some tasks may no longer be needed because the desired results no longer matter. Another important point is to catch any mistakes before they become too serious.
Introduction to procedures
These procedures consist of the following four activities that help you get the work done properly:
1. Defining the task requirements
2. Checking results as you go
3. Checking results at completion
4. Making any needed corrections
You should always perform the first and third activities shown above. They are the key to obtaining the desired results.
The second activity shown above may be optional. This depends on the type of work you are doing.
The fourth activity shown above only applies when you need to correct your work.
Defining the task requirements
Before starting work on a task, you need to know the desired results. This includes any restrictions or guidelines on how these results should be obtained.
If you decide to divide a complicated task into smaller tasks, which I recommend, each smaller task needs its own desired results.
If you prepare a work plan, the desired results should be included on the plan.
Checking results as you go
When working on a complicated task, you normally want to check the results as you go. It’s usually better to correct a problem as soon as it arises, rather than letting it remain uncorrected.
You want to verify the results at logical places as the task progresses.
If you have divided a complicated task into smaller tasks, each smaller task needs its own desired results. Then as each smaller task is completed, you would verify that its desired results have been attained.
Where the main activity of a complicated task is work of a continuing or repeating nature, you need some method to create smaller portions for verification purposes. Using a foreign language course as an example, you could verify the results of each individual lesson.
Another method to divide a continuing process into smaller portions is to use fixed time periods. Thus, you might want to check the results of the process at the end of each workday.
Checking final results at completion
To determine if a task has been completed correctly, you would compare the desired results with the actual results.
If the desired results have not been attained, you have a problem. Should you accept the work as is, try to correct the problem, revise the requirements for the task, or abandon the task? Each of these possible solutions has pros and cons.
The information in the Make Logical Decisions chapter can help you decide what to do when the desired results for a task have not been attained.
If you decide to correct the problem, go on to the following topic.
Making any needed corrections
At this point, you need to decide how to fix the task so it produces the desired results. You also want to make sure that any changes don’t make matters worse.
The information in the Resolve Any Problems chapter can help you find the problem and determine how to resolve it.
Final thoughts
Anyone can get things done, after a fashion, that is. The question is, has the work been done properly?
After you have mastered these four activities for checking on results, you should be able to reply, “Yes!”
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Chapter 18: Resolve Any Problems
There is nothing more frustrating than having a problem halt your progress on an important task or goal. This is especially so if you are not able to quickly resolve the situation.
The following topics can help you solve many types of problems. Then you can continue with your current task or goal.
Here are the topics:
Introduction to procedures
Choose how to proceed
Find possible causes and/or solutions
Determine solutions, if needed
Apply the most likely solution
Has the situation been resolved?
Learn from your past problems
Final thoughts
This material is based on insights from my subconscious mind, my personal experiences, and related common knowledge.
Have you ever prepared a spreadsheet that doesn’t balance or an income tax return that is obviously incorrect? Well I have, and these situations can be a problem. I developed these procedures to help me in my life. I hope that they can help you in your life.
Mistakes and failures are the price you pay for gaining new abilities and skills.
The common saying is that you are “Paying your dues.”
Avoid the temptation to shift the blame for your problems onto someone or something else. This may make you feel better for a while, but it causes you to lose control of the situation. Therefore, accept the challenge and start searching for the cause of the undesirable situation. This puts you back in control.
Introduction to procedures
Regardless of what kind of problem you have, there probably is some way it can be solved. The procedures described in the following topics lead you through a process for resolving problems. These procedures should be followed in sequence, unless indicated otherwise.
The adverse results of these problems will be referred to as undesirable situations, or just situations.
After discovering that you have a problem with your current task, you need to calmly review what went wrong. Try to dispel any anxiety or doubt you may have. Just look upon this event as a natural part of gaining new experience.
Some of the following procedures ask you to manually record information on sheets of paper. However, you may prefer to use a spreadsheet or word processing program instead.
Choose how to proceed
If the task does not justify the time and effort needed to resolve the problem, you may choose to abandon the task and skip these procedures.
Since this process was designed for difficult situations, some of the following procedures may seem somewhat tedious. If so, you may prefer to use your own shortcuts at various places in the process.
If you find possible causes and/or solutions for the situation at an early point in this process, you probably want to skip any procedures that aren’t needed.
Find possible causes and/or solutions
Get six to ten sheets of paper, and a pen or pencil. These sheets will summarize the results for the various methods described on the separate page below.
As you use each sheet of paper, head it up as “Possible Causes and/or Solution.” Each time you use a particular method, record that information on a separate sheet of paper.
The information should be entered under the following item titles: “Task,”
“Problem,” “Method,” “Action steps,” and “Result.”
Skip a line before inserting each title. Don’t insert the next title until you have finished recording the information under the current title.
Task item should briefly describe the task that had a problem.
Problem item should briefly describe the problem that is preventing you from successfully completing the task.
Method item should briefly describe how you expect to use the current method to find a possible cause and/or solution for the problem.
Action steps item should briefly describe the action steps and/or other information showing how the method you choose was used in attempting to find the cause of the problem and/or solve the problem.
Result item should show whether you found a solution, found a cause, or neither.
Leave a blank line above each item, action step, or block of text. If you run out of space on a sheet, continue on to another sheet. Use the same heading at the top of the sheet, and indicate what item or part of the information is being continued.
Now jump to the chapter linked below to investigate the problem. You should return from that chapter after you have either—found a possible solution, found a possible cause, tested all methods, or abandoned investigation of the problem.
Find Possible Source of Problem
After returning from the above chapter, select one of the following choices.
If you have found a likely solution, you might want to apply it immediately to see if it solves the problem. If the problem is solved, you can skip to the Learn
from your past problems procedure.
If you have found possible solutions to your problem, you can skip to the Apply
the most likely solution procedure.
If you have found possible causes for your problem, go on to the next procedure.
Determine solutions, if needed
The previous procedure should have found possible causes for the problem. This procedure will help you use those possible causes to find possible solutions.
Insert a “Possible solutions” item on the same sheet of paper where you described possible causes for the problem. Then describe any solutions as you find them.
To find a possible solution, you might want to discuss this problem with someone you know. Another opinion can be helpful quite often.
You might try the Use your subconscious mind method from the next chapter.
On the other hand, you might want to try all the methods from that chapter.
However, if you can’t find a possible solution to the problem, you may have to give up on it. The question is, how much time and effort does this problem justify?
Apply the most likely solution
During this procedure, you need to find the most likely solution. Then you need to see if this solution will solve the problem. If it doesn’t, then you can try the next most likely solution, and so on until you have exhausted all possible solutions. (This assumes the problem is still worth trying to solve.) Determine the most likely solutions
Review all the possible solutions on those sheets of paper headed up as “Possible Causes and/or Solutions.” Assign each solution a number. Thus, the most likely solution would be noted as #1; the next most likely solution would be noted as
#2; and so on.
If you aren’t able to determine which solutions are most likely to solve the problem, then rank the solutions according to which ones would be the easiest to apply.
Test the most likely solution
Before implementing the selected solution, consider whether it might cause even more problems. Also, consider the possibility of failure. You allow for a failure by assuming that it might happen, and planning accordingly. That is, you don’t risk too much. You only risk what you can afford to lose.
It might be a good idea to test a solution on paper before putting it into effect.
Take a fresh sheet of paper and head it up as “Paper Tests.” First, write down how you expect to apply the solution to the task. Then write down how you expect that solution will resolve the situation.
If you can’t explain how the solution should work on paper then it’s probably not a good idea to put it into effect. However, if it appears to work on paper, try it out to see if it solves the problem without any undesirable side effects.
Has the situation been resolved?
If the situation has been resolved, go on to the following procedure.
If the situation has not been resolved, and you think it is worth more time and effort to keep looking for a solution, then go back to whichever previous method appears most likely to help you resolve the problem.
If the situation is not worth expending more time and effort, you probably should either abandon the task or try an easier task. After deciding how to proceed, continue on to the following procedure.
Learn from your past problems
It is a good idea to learn from your past problems. This is true regardless of whether the problem has been resolved.
Take a fresh sheet of paper and head it up “Lessons Learned.” Now you can write down anything you have learned from this exercise. One thing you may have learned is the types of task you should avoid until you have increased your capabilities and skills. Another thing you may have learned is what type of situation or activity creates the most problems.
Now you can use this information to help you avoid future problems.
Final thoughts
One of the deadliest habits that prevent success in life is the failure to confront and resolve difficult problems. Some people hope that if they ignore the problem long enough that it will correct itself. This “spontaneous” correction usually doesn’t happen. Waiting and hoping for a miracle just causes you to lose control of the situation.
If you have this deadly habit, I recommend that you lose it before trying to start a difficult project or goal.
Note: You get rid of an undesirable habit by replacing it with a contrary habit.
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Chapter 19: Find Possible
Source of Problem
Before you can correct a problem, you may have to find out what is causing it.
The following topics provide many ways to find the possible source of a problem.
After you find the cause, it usually is a simple matter to solve the problem.
Here are the topics:
Introduction to methods
Compare results to a similar task
Do a walkthrough on paper
Get help from others
Research the situation
Study previous problem situations
Use your subconscious mind
Final thoughts
This material is based mostly on the insights from my subconscious mind, my personal experiences, and related common knowledge. The topic on “Use your subconscious mind” is based mostly on my breakthrough revelations.
I have used all these methods to discover the source of a problem. If you have several days to find the source of a problem, my preference would be to use your subconscious mind. However, that assumes that you have already started to train your subconscious mind.
Introduction to methods
The following six methods should give you a fighting chance of finding the possible source (or even solution) for your problem.
You might want to scan quickly through all these methods first, before actually putting one of them to use. Then if the first method you try doesn’t work, go on to another method.
Along with these methods are two other possible solutions— common sense and persistence. These two companions have helped me out of many problem areas.
Compare results to a similar task
This method compares results of the problem task to results for a similar task that had no problem. By checking the results at various stages of the problem task, it usually is possible to find the source of the problem. At least it may be possible to find the part of the task where the problem occurs.
Following example shows one possible use of this method:
Task: Preparing a federal income tax return.
Problem: Client states that the tax due on return is too high. Tax due should be about the same as for previous year’s return, since the income and expenses were similar for the two years.
Method: Accountant will compare various line items from these two returns. Any large differences may indicate an error.
Action steps:
1. Accountant compared the amounts on page 1 for the two returns. The current year’s return had a larger profit from Business income.
2. Accountant compared the income and expenses on Schedule C: Profit or Loss from Business for the two returns. The current year’s schedule had no rent expense.
3. In discussing this matter with the client, it was disclosed that the rent expense had been omitted from the client’s information. The rent is paid once a year by an automatic deduction from the client’s bank account. This automatic deduction was not included in the client’s summary of business expenses.
4. After changing the current year’s return to include this $24,000 rent expense, the tax due on the current year’s return was similar to that for the previous year’s return.
Result: Problem was solved.
Do a walkthrough on paper
This method uses a walkthrough on paper. This is a written description of the various actions steps of the problem task. By reviewing these actions steps, it may be possible to determine the cause of the problem. At least it may be possible to determine in which action step the problem arose.
Following example shows one possible use of this method:
Task: Investing in stock market.
Problem: Investor never seems to profit from the big moves that are predicted in one or more of the stock market advisory services he reads.
Method: Investor asks a businessperson friend to help him resolve his problem.
Together they list the action steps the investor uses for a typical stock purchase and sale, or failure to make a purchase. (Although the investor tries to justify his actions, the friend makes him “come clean” on how he actually trades the markets.)
Action steps:
1. Recap of current investment activities:
Investor reads advisory service about a predicted big move in a certain stock. If he gets excited about the prediction, he usually will purchase the stock immediately.
If the predicted big move doesn’t happen right away, the investor will tend to ignore his stock purchase. However, later, he may sell this stock before he has a profit, if he reads a prediction about a possible big move in a different stock.
If the investor reads an advisory service that ridicules the first prediction, he usually will become confused and forget about the predicted big move for that stock.
If the big move in that stock eventually takes place, the investor either will ignore it, or won’t purchase the stock until the expected price move is almost over.
When the investor on occasion has a substantial paper profit, he often lets most of the profit fade away because he doesn’t monitor his investments in a timely manner.
2. Review of current investment activities: Investor and friend studied the above investment activities and discussed how to improve the trading strategy used by investor. They decided that investor must find a way to eliminate emotions from trading. He must prepare a sound trading plan ahead of time. He must buy and sell positions based on market actions, not opinions of advisory services or others. Moreover, he must closely monitor all open positions.
3. They came up with the following investment guidelines that should help the investor profit from big moves in the stock market in the future: Use advisory services only to find out about possible opportunities and risks. Do not use them for deciding when to buy or sell positions.
Do not be concerned if advisory services do not agree. No one knows for sure what will happen in the stock market.
Whenever a possible big move in the market is predicted, immediately prepare a trading plan for that opportunity. This trading plan should consider possible risks, money management, and expected profit. It should use a predetermined formula for determining when a breakout occurs in a stock. It also should include how to calculate stop loss and profit-taking stop orders to minimize losses and maximize profits.
Review the stock’s price after the market close each day. Purchase the stock when it breaks out into the expected price move, but not before.
Place the stop loss and profit-taking stop orders as specified in the trading plan, based on market actions and predetermined formulas.
Result: Solution was found.
Get help from others
Sometimes finding a solution to a problem is beyond your present abilities. Then you might want to ask people with more experience for their help. In many cases, they will be pleased to help you. However, don’t ask for too much of their time.
You probably shouldn’t ask them to solve your problem. It’s usually enough for them just to point you in the right direction. Then you should be able to solve your own problem, and be better able to help yourself in the future.
Following example shows one possible use of this method:
Task: Getting a raise at work.
Problem: Accountant has been turned down repeatedly when asking for a raise.
Method: Talk to a retiring partner about how to get a raise.
Action steps:
1. Accountant had following conversation with retiring partner: Accountant: “Sir, I keep asking for a raise, but I never seem to get it.” Partner: “Son, you’re going about this the wrong way.”
Accountant: “What else can I do? I tell the managing partner why I need the extra money.”
Partner: “You’re just an average accountant. You could be replaced easily. You need to give the managing partner some reason to value you highly. Then he would want to keep you with the firm, and would probably give you a substantial raise.”
Accountant: “What do you mean? I’m who I am, and that’s that.” Partner: “That attitude is your main problem. You need to see things from the managing partner’s viewpoint. You need to become an asset to the firm.”
Accountant: “How can I do that?”
Partner: “Ask the managing partner what information and skills would make an accountant in your position more useful to the firm. Then do whatever it takes to become that person.”
Accountant: “Thank you, sir. I’ll talk to the managing partner right away.”
2. Accountant talked to the managing partner as recommended. Then he immediately started becoming more useful to the firm. During his next performance review, he was given a large raise.
Result: Solution was found.
Research the situation
Regardless of what problems you have, other people probably have encountered and solved the same sort of problem. One or more of these people probably have written how-to information. So, you need to find some of this written material about performing the task, understanding the situation, or solving the problem.
There are several ways to perform this research. You can target the task, the situation, or the problem itself. You can use a search engine on the Internet, a card index in a library, or the reference section of a library.
If the problem relates to your residence, you may be able to purchase a how-to manual at a building products store.
Following example shows one possible use of this method:
Task: Remodel bathroom in residence.
Problem: Homeowner can’t afford to hire a professional plumber.
Method: Verify with local building department that homeowner is permitted to do the plumbing work in his own residence. Study a plumbing manual to learn how to install plumbing systems.
Action steps:
1. Homeowner purchases a plumbing manual at Home Depot, Lowe’s, or some other building supplies store. He studies the manual until he understands how the plumbing system operates and what is needed to install it.
2. Homeowner obtains the needed building permit and then tears out the old plumbing system.
3. Homeowner purchases the required plastic pipe, fittings, and solvent for the drain, waste, and vent lines. He purchases rigid copper tubing, fittings, flux, solder, and a propane torch for the water supply lines. He purchases bathroom cabinets and plumbing fixtures.
4. Homeowner installs the new plumbing system. If he encounters a problem, he reviews the plumbing manual to see how to solve it.
5. After roughing-in the plumbing lines, homeowner has them inspected by the local building department. Then he installs the finish walls and flooring, bathroom cabinets, and the new plumbing fixtures.
Result: Problem was solved.
Study previous problem situations
If you (or your family or friends) have experienced similar problem situations in the past, write down the cause and/or solution for each of these situations. These are possible causes and/or solutions for your current situation.
Following example shows one possible use of this method:
Task: Getting through everyday situations that might be annoying.
Problem: I seem to lose my temper for no good reason.
Method: Find out how I got through these situations in the past without losing my temper. Then change my attitudes and habits accordingly.
Action steps:
1. Recap of past attitudes and habits:
In previous years, I had a pleasant, easy-going nature. I rarely let annoying situations bother me. When these situations came up, I usually handled them calmly, and with good humor.
Two years ago, I had several problems that frustrated me. I think this is what changed my attitudes and habits. I began to expect that things would always turn out badly for me. I would get angry for no good reason.
Ever since having these problems, I seem to lose my temper all the time.
2. How to develop new attitudes and habits:
From now on, I will make a conscious effort to regain my pleasant, easy-going nature.
When I start to lose my temper, I will immediately control it. Then, I will try to calmly handle the situation.
I will keep doing this until my temper is back under my control.
Result: Solution was found.
Use your subconscious mind
For some problems, you might try letting your subconscious mind come up with the cause and/or solution. Your subconscious has a vast storehouse of useful information. This information can be helpful in solving different kinds of problems.
However, the subconscious has certain rules you must follow to get its help. You must demonstrate your seriousness about solving the problem. It wants you to do something, anything, to get the ball rolling.
At a minimum, you have to carefully review the task and the problem. However, don’t brood about the problem. Just do a careful review and then go on to other matters.
You have to expect the subconscious to find a solution to your problem. Another key is to always use the solution provided by the subconscious, unless it appears harmful in some way.
The more often you use your subconscious to solve problems, the better and faster will be the results.
Following example shows one possible use of this method:
Task: Developing a short story for a creative writing class.
Problem: Plot for this story must focus on three items—a tiger, a rubber band, and the Golden Gate Bridge.
Method: Use the subconscious mind to develop plot for story that uses the required three items.
Action steps:
1. Writer studies the problem carefully for 15 minutes. Then he puts it out of his conscious mind, with the expectation that his subconscious mind will find a solution to the problem.
2. After mulling over the problem for several days, the writer’s subconscious mind popped the solution into his conscious mind.
3. The writer uses the plot that was given to him by his subconscious mind.
Summary of plot:
A keeper at the San Francisco Zoo had a habit of zinging the caged tiger with rubber bands. It happened one day that the door to the tiger’s cage was not closed properly. When the keeper hit the tiger on the rump with a heavy rubber band, the animal leaped into the air and fell against the cage door. The door sprung open and the tiger escaped.
The alarm went out and the zookeepers tried to capture the tiger.
However, the tiger evaded them, and was last seen running across the Golden Gate Bridge.
As an added twist to this story, it will be narrated from two viewpoints—a human observer and the primitive mind of the tiger.
(Tigers apparently rely mostly on instincts. But you know how creative some writers can be.)
Result: Problem was solved.
Final thoughts
I hope the methods shown in this chapter will help you solve any problems you may encounter in life. They have helped me on many occasions.
I am especially fond of using my subconscious mind to crack those really tough problems. You see, the subconscious remembers everything you have seen, heard, felt, and expressed during your life. It can use this information to help you solve almost any problem.
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Chapter 20: Review Your Use
of the Program
I spent a lot of time gathering and organizing this information, and then using it to create this Magic Success Secrets ebook. I wanted to help ordinary people improve their lives.
This final chapter is meant to help you get the most out of this program. I hope these magic success secrets have been helpful. If they have, then I will show you how to put more of them to use. If they haven’t, then I will show you ways that may make them more useful.
Here are the topics:
Success secrets have been helpful
Success secrets have not been helpful
Final thoughts (Be sure to read this topic.) This material is based on my breakthrough revelations, insights from my subconscious mind, my personal experiences, and related common knowledge.
I hope you have enjoyed using this program as much as I have enjoyed preparing it. I have used many of the methods and insights in this program to help plan and write this ebook.
Success secrets have been helpful
If some of these success secrets have been helpful to you, then I recommend that you gradually begin to use some of the more advanced concepts. These would be the following:
Take Charge of Your Life
Discover Your True Desires
Set Meaningful Goals
Train Your Subconscious Mind
Develop Empowering Beliefs
Summon Bursts of Energy
Conquer Irrational Fear
At you continue to expand your comfort zone, you will reach a point where you feel capable of taking complete charge of your life and controlling your own destiny.
From then on, your life can be whatever you choose to make it. Only your abilities, efforts, and resources will limit your possibilities. Good luck to you, my friend. You have discovered the proverbial “Pot of gold.”
Success secrets have not been helpful
If many of these success secrets have not been helpful to you, then I recommend that you gradually go back to using more of the simpler concepts.
You need to build up your self-confidence. Don’t try to accomplish so much.
Lower your expectations. At some point, you should begin to achieve your goals again.
Then, if you wish, you could start to raise your expectations. As you expand your
comfort zone, you should feel more secure in these success secrets. At some
point, you should begin to feel that they have been helpful.
Then you might want to start following the suggestions under the previous topic.
Final thoughts
Some people have had all the advantages in life. They were raised to believe that great achievements are their birthright.
Other people developed the ability to achieve great things by satisfying a burning ambition or lofty goal.
Still others discovered their hidden abilities by accident, such as by overcoming a life or death threat.
Then there are the rest of us. We have had to struggle just to make a living. Our only hope is to win the lottery, inherit from a rich relative, or reap some other unlikely windfall.
So what is to be our destiny? Who can help us? Where do we get the magic key to the kingdom? Whoops, did I just say Magic? Why, yes I did. I will say it again—Magic, as in this Magic Success Secrets ebook.
The magic, you see, lies within you. You can choose to take charge of your life, discover your true desires, set meaningful goals… Well, you get the idea.
Now that you have had a taste of my success secrets, I hope you use them to improve your life, have more money, start your own small business, or achieve whatever else you desire.
So there you have it. If you want to succeed in life, you’re going to have to make an effort at improving your abilities, getting the tough jobs done, and granting yourself the “right” to have a better life.
Good luck and good hunting (for that pot of gold).
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Appendix A: About the Author
Hello, my name is Charles Moorehead. I’ve retired from the CPA (Certified Public Accountant) profession. Now, I’m spending my free time in helping people improve their lives.
I have lived all of my life in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. (I’m not counting the 10 months I spent in Vietnam. That seems like another life now.) I graduated from the University of Washington in 1963 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Administration. Since then I have worked in public accounting for almost 40 years.
However, I took a year off from accounting to start a residential construction business with my brother. It didn’t work out for me. (I would rather spend winters inside, where it’s nice and warm, thank you.)
Another interruption happened in 1968. The US Army activated my reserve unit, the 737th Transportation Company. First, we trained a few months at Fort Lewis, Washington. Then the company operated about a year in Vietnam. I was the head company clerk for the unit.
Since retirement, I have spent time reviewing my life, investing in the markets, and recording my thoughts on various things that interested me. I have always been an independent thinker. I have often pondered on why people with similar education and talents have different results in life.
A few years ago, I received some powerful revelations on the true nature of life and reality. Now I know the answers to those perplexing questions. I think my revelations can help ordinary people achieve their goals in life.
For more details, see the following Magical Revelations subject.
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Appendix B: Magical Revelations
This subject is my personal message—my revelations on the true nature of life and reality. It also tells how I came to create this ebook. You can find additional information in the following Living the Revelations and Questions About the
Revelations subjects.
The following information may help you understand this ebook and use it to your best advantage.
Here are the topics:
The importance and limitations of beliefs
Revelations, insights, and related common knowledge
Why and how I created this ebook
Big secrets to improve your life
Note: When reading the rest of this subject, pretend you are a child learning a new game. Put away that stern, demanding side of your conscious mind. Let your thoughts flow freely, without any adult censorship.
The importance and limitations of beliefs
Beliefs are very important in the lives of most people. Beliefs help a person belong to a particular social group. Beliefs help a person know what to do in various circumstances. Beliefs act to impose limits on a person’s actions and desires. Thus, beliefs help maintain law and order in a society.
Beliefs are a substitute for reality. It would be very tedious and time-consuming to verify all the concepts contained in a person’s beliefs. Moreover, in many cases beliefs are perfectly adequate for guiding a person’s life. However, there are a few important exceptions to the general rule. One very important exception is—
knowing what goals are desirable and attainable during a person’s life.
This exception is where many of my revelations come into play, as discussed below.
Revelations, insights, and related common knowledge
These are my revelations and insights from which everything else flows.
Although they may seem to be obvious truths, many people do not realize their importance or use them to help improve their lives.
These are my breakthrough revelations:
Your accepted beliefs (true or false) largely determine what you can achieve in life.
Empowering beliefs lead to achievements and success in life.
Limiting beliefs are the biggest obstacle to achievements and success in life.
You can overcome the undue influence of limiting beliefs by offsetting them with empowering beliefs.
You can control your destiny by accepting responsibility for your own bad habits, false beliefs, mistakes, and problems—and then correcting them when appropriate.
These are the insights from my personal experiences:
Your subconscious mind, properly trained, can give you enormous power.
Your subconscious mind has to be convinced you’re serious before it will help you.
Following are examples of related common knowledge that can be used with the above revelations and insights to improve your life:
Your beliefs reside in your subconscious mind.
Most of your limiting beliefs were acquired during your childhood and early adulthood, and thus may no longer reflect your current possibilities in life.
Various techniques are available to instill new beliefs into your subconscious mind.
Your subconscious mind contains a vast storehouse of knowledge.
Your subconscious mind is capable of great creative power.
I have learned to put these revelations, insights, and related common knowledge together to form a magical program of personal empowerment. That program is described within the various chapters of this ebook.
Why and how I created this ebook
The following story explains things:
When I was growing up, I observed how some people enjoyed life and others just struggled day by day. Of course, I was right there among the strugglers. I always wondered, “What are the secrets that some people seem to have? Why do so many people have to struggle to get through life?”
I yearned for some instructions that would show me the way. What goal should I try for? What are the next steps? How can I solve my problems? How can I get the tough jobs done? Well, I never found the instructions. Of course, I read self-help books. They explained what to do and/or the traits or habits needed to be successful. However, it seemed like the authors either didn’t know the underlying concepts or just didn’t want to disclose them. But I always want to know the ultimate secrets. That’s just my nature.
Then one day, in my “golden years,” I began asking the universe for help in my quest for answers. Some time later, I started to receive revelations about the true nature of life and reality. These revelations were both simple and shocking! Once I had received and studied them, they seemed so obvious. Yet, the truth was rather brutal. My disappointments in life were my own fault! I had the wrong attitudes about life and reality. My limiting beliefs had done me in. They needlessly restricted my actions. Yet I needed some type of beliefs to guide my life. Without them, I wouldn’t know what to do.
As I received more revelations, the mystery cleared up. Beliefs may not reflect reality. They simply form a framework that lets your subconscious mind attempt to interpret reality. You can change your beliefs. Moreover, as you enhance your beliefs, your opportunities magically expand. The artificial barriers to action fade away. What before had seemed impossible can become possible.
Finally, I knew the secrets. They helped me create those instructions that I had always sought in my youth. However, my best years are in the past. So I used my newly developed ambition and knowledge to create this ebook. I wanted to tell others the good news!
Now you can know these same secrets by reading this ebook. Maybe they will help you, maybe not. Anyway, I have done my part. The rest is up to you.
Big secrets to improve your life
Life is fickle sometimes. It is willing to give you almost anything you want, within the limits of your abilities, efforts, and resources. However, it isn’t always obvious how to accomplish this magical feat.
My revelations, insights, and related common knowledge have shown me the secrets. So now, you can discover these same secrets. They are the basis for most of the chapters in this ebook.
One of my favorite sayings is, “Let’s cut to the chase.” Okay, following are three big secrets that can help improve your life right away.
The first big secret – Your accepted beliefs (true or false) largely determine what you can achieve in life. Thus, if you don’t believe that a certain goal is possible, you aren’t likely to try for it. Also, if you encounter problems when trying for a goal you don’t believe in, you likely will give up.
To overcome these problems, go to the Develop Empowering Beliefs chapter to learn about inserting new beliefs into your subconscious mind.
The second big secret – Make your subconscious mind your friend. Learn to train it, and it will do wonders for you. Go to the Train Your Subconscious Mind
chapter to learn the procedures. The following two chapters show the type of
results possible from training your subconscious mind:
Summon Bursts of Energy
Conquer Irrational Fear
The third big secret – This secret answers the question, “How do you find fulfillment and happiness in life?” Is it by getting rich? No, many rich people are miserable. Instead, many people seem to enjoy life the most when achieving their true desires and using their natural talents.
If your true desires and natural talents have been buried under a lifetime of social conditioning, go to this chapter to discover them.
Good luck to you all.
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Appendix C: Living the Revelations
All right folks. Get a cup of coffee and relax. Now I’ll tell you what happened to my life after receiving and reviewing the revelations and the possibilities they held for me, and perhaps for others.
I wish I could say that I immediately started to take action on these revelations.
You know—start to organize them, test them out, and even devise a self-improvement program to use them. However, that’s just not me. I have completed some serious projects in my life. However, I am kind of a lazy person.
I usually need some kind of a prod to get me moving on a project. I can keep going for a while until I lose the excitement. Then I need to get another prod.
Guess what? No prod was forthcoming. So I did what I usually do when I get some potentially “great idea.” I mostly just messed around with it. I could see the potential in these concepts. However, there probably would be a great deal of work involved in verifying them and then writing a comprehensive report about them. So I just made a few notes and wrote down some questions that I might investigate, eventually.
Then it happened—I was sitting on the edge of my bed one morning when I felt a burst of energy enter my body. “What is going on?” I wondered. Then, for no reason at all, I jumped up and went into the bathroom to make myself look presentable. (Being retired, I tend to let myself go unless I expect to visit somewhere or receive some company.) After that, I got on my computer and started working on my “great idea.”
So, where did this burst of energy come from? I have no idea. Could it be that the universe wanted me to get going on this project? Surely, that couldn’t be it, could it? I will never know. Later on, I devised a visualization to give myself a burst of energy whenever I needed a prod to start taking action. You can see this visualization at the Summon Bursts of Energy chapter.
Now that I had the energy, I decided to get serious about my project. Of course, I still had doubts about the revelations. After all, who was I to receive such breakthrough concepts?
Actually, many people before me have known these secrets, and they even have written about them in books. These books typically tell you what to do or what habits or traits are important. However, they always seem to have withheld the underlying concepts and their overriding importance.
Well, I’m not afraid to spill the beans. If you think I’m some kind of a screwball, that’s okay with me. Therefore, I’ll repeat my breakthrough revelations here: Your accepted beliefs (true or false) largely determine what you can achieve in life.
Empowering beliefs lead to achievements and success in life.
Limiting beliefs are the biggest obstacle to achievements and success in life.
You can overcome the undue influence of limiting beliefs by offsetting them with empowering beliefs.
You can control your destiny by accepting responsibility for your own bad habits, false beliefs, mistakes, and problems—and then correcting them when appropriate.
These are the insights from my personal experiences:
Your subconscious mind, properly trained, can give you enormous power.
Your subconscious mind has to be convinced you’re serious before it will help you.
Following are examples of related common knowledge that can be used with the above revelations and insights to improve your life:
Your beliefs reside in your subconscious mind.
Most of your limiting beliefs were acquired during your childhood and early adulthood, and thus may no longer reflect your current possibilities in life.
Various techniques are available to instill new beliefs into your subconscious mind.
Your subconscious mind contains a vast storehouse of knowledge.
Your subconscious mind is capable of great creative power.
So what does this all mean? If you are not satisfied with your life, it means that you likely are not a captive of your circumstances. Instead, you likely are a captive of your limiting beliefs. However, these may be false beliefs instilled into your subconscious mind by your parents and society. These beliefs were useful when you were growing up. They also are useful for belonging to a particular social group. However, now as an adult you may wish to override them with appropriate empowering beliefs. These would be beliefs that reflect your new possibilities as an adult. For example, you may want to have more self-confidence, develop a “take charge” or “can do” attitude, and so on. This ebook can help you in those endeavors.
To prove out the concepts I started to use them in my daily life. They enabled me to start working in earnest on this project. They were especially helpful in recognizing some of my lifelong bad habits. I finally came to terms with what I am and what I am not. I have certain talents that I can use and enjoy. However, there are many areas in my life that I choose not to enhance, at least not until this ebook project is a success. So, what about my many faults? I will change the ones that matter when the time comes. The others will no longer trouble me. Now I am what I choose to become.
As I began writing about these concepts and how to use them, I discovered how my subconscious mind could help me. After I outlined a particular concept, I would let it sit for a day or so. Then my subconscious mind would bubble up the information needed to fill in the details. As I continued using my subconscious mind, it began responding to my needs faster and faster. Now when I start writing, my subconscious mind is right there helping me. You can learn more about my experiences from the My early discoveries topic in the Train Your Subconscious Mind chapter.
I assembled this project based on (and using) my breakthrough revelations, insights from my subconscious mind, my personal experiences, and related common knowledge. First, I created a website using some of this personal empowerment information. Then I improved on that by writing the ebook that you are reading.
If you asked me if this information could help improve your life, I would answer,
“I believe so.” But all I know for sure is that these insights and revelations turned my retirement into a time of achievement, fulfillment, and pleasure. Perhaps they can do the same for your life.
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Appendix D: Questions
About the Revelations
Since the most important parts of this ebook are based on my revelations, you probably want to know more about them. I’ve already briefly explained receiving them on the above Magical Revelations and Living the Revelations subjects.
However, the following questions and answers provide addition information.
They were derived from my interview with Robert X. Cringely on August 5, 2010. Since Bob was able to pull this information out of me, I decided to include it here.
Note: The following questions and answers are best understood if read in sequence.
Q: What is the source of these revelations?
A: The source may have been my subconscious mind, some higher power, or the universe. I don’t know and I don’t care. All I know is that I have received a fabulous gift for which I will be eternally grateful.
However, I usually say the revelations came from the universe. That covers all possibilities.
Q: What events triggered these revelations?
A: Sometimes, when working on one of the family’s rental properties, I would get exasperated about my mediocre financial success. (Fixing up rentals was hard work!) After retirement, I started reviewing my life in earnest to discover the source of all my disappointments and problems.
Q: Why are you so special that you were able to receive these revelations?
A: I’m not special at all. My only uniqueness is my lifelong desire to know why things happen. Thus, I was actively seeking answers. There is that old parable,
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” [1]
First, I sought and then I received. The answers seemed to have accumulated in my subconscious mind over time.
Q: How did you get the revelations from your subconscious mind into your conscious mind?
A: I have found that if I study a problem and then sleep on it, oftentimes the answer would bubble up from my subconscious mind and pop into my conscious mind the next day or so.
After seeking answers to explain my failures, the revelations gradually popped into my conscious mind. However, I tended to dismiss these answers at first.
Later, I started to write them down.
Q: Why did you dismiss these revelations at first?
A: I wanted to blame someone or something else for most of my problems. The revelations, however, revealed that my problems were my own fault. It took me a while to accept what appeared to be “bad news.”
Q: If you didn’t like the bad news from the revelations, why did you finally accept them?
A: They answered all my questions about the true nature of life and reality. This truth was awesome and overwhelming. Eventually, I could no longer deny it.
I also realized that these revelations allowed me to control my own life. Since I was the source of these problems, I could overcome them myself.
Note: The Resolve Any Problems subject in this ebook describes various ways to solve your problems.
Q: Briefly, what is the BIG REVELATION?
A: If you aren’t setting and/or achieving meaningful goals to achieve your dreams, you probably are being held back by your limiting beliefs. However, these limiting beliefs may not reflect your current possibilities in life. Also, your limiting beliefs can be overcome by empowering beliefs.
Note: The Develop Empowering Beliefs chapter in this ebook shows how to override your limiting beliefs.
Q: Why should I rely on your so-called revelations?
A: Don’t rely on my word. Test the methods and insights in this ebook yourself.
Try them on small problems at first. Risk only a small amount of time and effort.
Don’t risk any money. If you get good results, you may want to try them on bigger problems.
Q: Who can benefit from these revelations?
A: To get the greatest benefit, you would have to:
Have an open mind
Know what you want from life
Be willing to take limited risks
Use trial and error to gather the experience you need
However, anyone can benefit from using the methods and insights described in this ebook, even if you don’t believe in them. Just give them a fair trial.
Q: I still don’t get it. All I have to do is change some of my beliefs, and then I can accomplish great things in life?
A: Not quite. By changing your beliefs, you can remove the artificial barriers that often keep people from achieving their dreams. However, you also need constructive actions to produce the desired achievements. These actions include:
Taking charge of your life
Setting meaningful goals
Overcoming any barriers to action
Taking decisive action
Correcting any problems
Reviewing the final results
The above links take you to the parts or chapters in this ebook that show you how to perform these constructive actions.
By replacing limiting beliefs with empowering beliefs, you do two things: 1. Remove the barriers (limiting beliefs) that may have been blocking these actions.
2. Provide help (empowering beliefs) in starting and completing these actions.
Q: If I lose some money from following your methods and insights, will you reimburse me?
A: No. Any profits you make are solely yours; likewise, any losses you suffer are solely yours.
Quotation source:
[1] The Holy Bible, Matthew 7:7.
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Appendix E: Glossary
The topics in this glossary define the special terms used in this ebook. There are only a few of them and it would be helpful for you to understand them eventually. However, you may only want to scan through them at the first reading.
Here are the topics:
Accepted beliefs
Belief system
Comfort zone
Empowering beliefs
Limiting beliefs
Needs and desires
Personal reality
Reprogramming your mind
Subconscious mind
Work plan
Most of these terms are fairly standard. However, a few of them may have my own spin on them.
The first time one of these terms is used in a chapter or other subject, there usually will be a link to its definition below.
Accepted beliefs – These are the beliefs that have been accumulated in a person’s subconscious mind over their lifetime, and have not been overridden by more recent or more powerful contrary beliefs. It is difficult for many people to know the makeup of their accepted beliefs.
However, you need only look around at your surroundings and way of life. These things usually are the result of your accepted beliefs.
See also: Belief system.
See also: Subconscious mind.
Belief system – A person’s belief system determines or influences how that person behaves. A person’s belief system generally consists of assumptions, attitudes, expectations, rules of thumb, traits, values, and other beliefs. This belief system also largely determines the types of habits people develop over their life.
See also: Empowering beliefs.
Comfort zone – This consists of those tasks and activities that you have performed successfully in the past. Thus, you feel “comfortable” performing these tasks and activities. The larger your comfort zone, the more powerful and versatile you become. You can expand your comfort zone by learning new skills and/or engaging in new activities.
Empowering beliefs – These beliefs encourage most people to achieve their goals, believe in themselves, get the tough jobs done, and seek out new opportunities.
See also: Reprogramming your mind.
Limiting beliefs – These beliefs impose limits on a person’s actions. They tend to exaggerate the dangers of seeking a better life. They downplay a person’s abilities. Thus, if goals don’t appear to be attainable, many people won’t try for them.
Needs and desires – People want these things to sustain or improve their lives, or satisfy their cravings. People are especially willing to pay for those needs or desires that have a high emotional benefit.
Financial needs and desires relate to wealth. Examples are employment, income, investments, security, and retirement.
Non-financial needs and desires relate to enjoyment and satisfaction in life.
Examples are entertainment, family, friendships, love, sex, status, and other personal cravings.
Personal reality – This refers to the perceptions that your subconscious mind sends to your conscious mind. Your personal reality is influenced by your belief system. Thus, by changing some of your beliefs, you can change your personal reality.
Your personal reality, not the outside world, is what primarily determines your success in life.
See also: Subconscious mind.
See also: The chapter on how to Develop Empowering Beliefs.
Reprogramming your mind – This means replacing some of your existing beliefs with ones that are more empowering. Beliefs are assumptions, attitudes, expectations, rules of thumb, traits, values, and other beliefs. This change normally is a gradual process.
By empowering your beliefs, you can increase your chances of finding success in life.
See also: Belief system.
See also: The chapter on how to Develop Empowering Beliefs.
Subconscious mind – Your subconscious mind determines your personal reality.
It receives various sensations from the outside world. Then it interprets these sensations, using your belief system, and integrates the result into a coherent view of the world. Finally, it sends the outcome of this process to your conscious mind to become the impressions and feelings of day-to-day living.
However, your conscious mind is not aware of these vital activities of the subconscious mind.
The overriding purpose of the subconscious mind is self-preservation. For this reason, it tends to exaggerate potential risks. It is more concerned with keeping you alive than with using your abilities to the fullest.
When people change their belief system, their perceptions (their personal reality) will alter accordingly, with no change in the outside world.
(This, of course, is the secret to personal empowerment.) See also: Belief system.
See also: The chapter on how to Train Your Subconscious Mind.
Visualization – A visualization is a guided daydream. You decide what is to happen and then you see it played out inside your mind. As you repeat this visualization and impart strong feelings to it, you fool your subconscious mind into believing that this is reality. This is one of the best ways to reprogram your mind.
See also: Reprogramming your mind.
Work plan – This is a written summary of the requirements, advance preparations, main task activities, and final activities for a task. It helps you to complete a project as quickly and efficiently as possible.
See also: The chapter on how to Prepare a Work Plan.
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Appendix F: Disclaimer
Nature of information
The information in this ebook is based mainly on the beliefs, experiences, insights, and revelations of the author (Charles Moorehead). As such, this information may not be suitable for a particular person or situation.
This information is not meant to be a complete guide to increasing your personal power or achieving success in life. It is only meant to provide useful ideas and information in these areas.
This ebook is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. (From a Declaration of Principles jointly adopted by a Committee of the American Bar Association and a Committee of Publishers.)
No warranty or guarantee
No warranty or guarantee is given (or implied) regarding the accuracy, reliability, veracity, or completeness of the information provided by this ebook, or by any websites linked from this ebook.
Disclaimer of liability
The author (Charles Moorehead) disclaims all liability for any loss, damage, injury, or expense, however caused, arising from any use of or reliance upon the information provided through this ebook.
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